Minutes for RSB Board Meeting September 5, 2020
Present: Kathleen, Robert, Kelly, Viorica and Patrick. Absent: Jon Lyerly.
Verse, opening.
Recording Secretary: In the absence of an official recording secretary, Robert volunteered to take minutes.
Approve minutes: Motion: Viorica moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Kathleen seconded. Approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Review of Income and Expense Report Kelly sent out. Total assets $45,524. Unrestricted funds total $5,700. No liabilities. Stipends paid out: $75 to Mary Adams, $75 to Corinne Horan+ $50 to Joanna Carey.
- Kelly is willing to stay on as Treasurer until someone can take over.
- Motion by Kelly to add Kathleen as President as signatory to all the Bank accounts. Seconded Robert. Approved.
- TO DO: Kelly and Kathleen will reach out to members to provide their phone number and mailing address, email address(es). Kelly will add these data to our membership spreadsheet (“RSB-NC Board Info”).
- TO DO: Kelly will report to the Board only as requested by Kathleen regarding membership and financial status.
- TO DO: Kelly and Kathleen: More people would probably pay dues – draft dues email to be sent out. Draft by Kelly and sent by Kathleen.
- TO DO: Kathleen, Kelly and Robert will go to the two banks (BB&T & Self Help Credit Union) and add Kathleen’s name and signature.
Festivals and Events: Review of St. John’s (Kathleen): St John’s was under auspices of TCC and it went well (10 people attended, distanced)
- Planning Group is not active. Decision: disband Planning Group temporarily for now.
- Michaelmas (all): TCC has something planned; Joanna, Edward, Eve are planning something; Judy would like to do something as well.
Proposal of a separate list-serve for discussions: Robert proposed that we consider using Google Groups and that we require at least 2 or 3 reasonable, even-tempered, patient people to be willing to moderate the discussions.
- A basic rule: you can criticize any idea/concept but can’t attack any person (personal attacks against any person are unacceptable). When a participant violates the rules, they would be given a warning; posts might be removed and participants might be banned.
- Name: “RSB-NC discussion list”.
- Motion by Kathleen that we will set up a Google Group for Branch discussions provided that we can find 2 moderators acceptable to the Board. Seconded by Viorica. Approved.
- Patrick would be willing to be a part-time moderator.
- TO DO: Robert will set up the Google Group for the Branch when it’s ready to go.
- TO DO: Kathleen will announce that it will start when we get at least 1 more moderator to be approved by the Board. She may reach out to certain people.
Initiatives and Daughter Movements in our Community:
- EWS – Viorica reported that EWS started online last week, next week will start for some students in-person outdoors, now have 170 students; lost a lot of part-time faculty members, others are on sabbatical; new Colleen Everhart.
- Biodynamics (Patrick to report): they are gathering quarterly for biodynamic stirs.
- Christian Community — Kathleen reported: the new priest Matthias will be coming to visit our community. Will give a talk by Zoom on October 1st (Michaelmas). First Act of Consecration of Man will be November 15th.
Future meetings of the Board: can be outdoors at the EWS Farm in Viorica’s classroom outside.
- TO DO: Kathleen to ask Board members for pictures; Robert will post them to the website.
Next Board Meeting: Saturday, November 21st at 1:00 PM, at Viorica’s outdoor classroom at the EWS Farm.
Closing Verse. Adjourned.