Minutes for RSB Board Meeting Sept 22, 2015
Board members present: Robert, Will, Robin, Ron, Judy, Diana and Tatiana. Absent: Kathleen. Visiting guest: Suzanne Mays
American Verse read and Candle lighted.
- Financial: Discussed requirements for Triangle Community Foundation application: the Triangle Community Foundation serves to bring donors and nonprofits together. When we are recognized by TCF, we can receive grants from donor-advised funds so RSB-NC in the future could receive grants from multiple donors. Doug Frey suggested our name and we are in the process of completing our application. We will need to provide the TCF with our IRS determination letter and a financial statement. Robin will complete these soon.
- Membership: Discussed having a more structured renewal process. Suggestion made that there be a different cost for events for members and non-members to incentivize people to join the branch. Discussed an annual fund drive specifically for the Cultural work of the Branch, perhaps at Valentines Day.
- Heart Fund request: Bruce and Margaretta. Report given on the status of these members by Diana and the decision made to wait and see how their situation unfolds. Ron may be able to visit. Diana is monitoring their status.
- Events & Festivals: Preparation for Michaelmas activities were discussed: 9/26 and 9/29 and John Billing concert(s) Biography workshop and other events being worked on. Rehearsal scheduled at Robert’s home next Monday night.
Judy volunteered to begin work on an All Souls Day festival.
Diana has scheduled monthly rentals of the Brown Wing for Branch meetings and Cultural events. She is working on arranging a series of Musical Evenings – seeking out performers.
- Volunteers Requested for EWS Holiday Faire Saturday, November 21, 2015 10am-3pm: Will agrees to coordinate getting RSB-NC volunteers for the parking lot (9:30-1:30, 2 people at a time, in 1-hour shifts). Also needed: live music for the Cake Walk (typically playing the flute, guitar, fiddle, or other instrument), for 20 min on the hour starting at 11 AM. Discussed options for finding musicians and Judy will speak to a friend. If we can’t find people we will inform the school we can’t take on this part.
- Outreach and Membership:
- Develop a brochure for the Branch. Judy presented a possible brochure that this branch used in the past, however it is very content heavy and Robin and Diana will probably design one with more images, color and less content to be available for the Michaelmas event.
- Design and print a bookmark – will discuss at another time.
- Put out a sign-up sheet for people to subscribe to the RSB-NC-list – Judy will print and bring to Michaelmas.
- Prepare for membership drive and membership renewals – Robin will announce the new option for donating monthly on our website.
- Expedited Process for Approving Event Sponsorship: Rather than going through the full Board we agreed to expedited procedures. We discussed and agreed upon the standards used in making these determinations. Judy made the motion to adopt procedures that (1) for events with no financial commitment, the Events Coordinator can approve without full Board approval. (2) For events that are time sensitive with a financial obligation, the Executive Committee (President, Vice-President and Treasurer) can approve. Ron seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
- Discussion of Bylaws: The Bylaws committee of Ron, Robin and Robert will begin work on reviewing and reporting on the bylaws with the purpose of clarifying and making amendments to address the confusion that was highlighted during the Spring of 2015. Ron and Tatiana requested copies of the bylaws to prepare themselves for the work ahead. We all need to be clear on the Bylaws.
Brief Break
- Discussion on how to Complete the Members’ Concerns:
Robert shared the inspiration of the spirit required to work against exceedingly difficult circumstances: “It is not necessary to have hope in order to try. It is not necessary to have success in order to persevere.” – William of Orange
Robert read Kathleen’s statement to the board expressing her view of what needs to be done to resolve these concerns. Diana concurred with Kathleen’s suggestion that the Board is not able to continue these meetings because they have caused undue stress and strain in the community. We discussed the role of the Board in settling disputes among members of the Branch historically and the difficulty being faced when Board members themselves are involved in the controversy.
A proposal was made to draw a close to the proceedings and encourage the members who continue to have unresolved concerns to seek resolution of those concerns and issues with the individual(s) involved. Discussed the fact that we are not able to legislate a resolution of the concerns, apologies or forgiveness and it is up to each individual to take responsibility for their actions. Issues of a Branch-wide nature can always be brought forward by members via normal Branch procedures.
Ron made the motion to collectively write a brief statement to the effect that we as the Board of this Branch have completed all that we can accomplish with the meetings held thus far and little will be gained with further meetings on the members’ concerns. Therefore with the final statement, the Board will consider its work completed. Judy seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
Next board meeting: October 20 at 6 pm at the Mays home.