Minutes for RSB Board Meeting October 6, 2017
Present: Kathleen, Kelly, Michael, Robert, Ron. Absent: Roger
Verse, opening
Kelly was selected to serve as recording secretary for the meeting.
Motion to approve minutes of previous meeting: Robert moved to approve minutes June 30, 2017 meeting. Kathleen Seconded. Motion approved.
Notes: At the previous meeting on August 18th there was not a quorum and no business was conducted, so no minutes were approved for that meeting. From the June minutes it was noted that Robert forgot to post the RFS form to the website. He will do it.
Treasurer’s Report (Kelly): Review of financial reports.
Membership increased another three people. Kelly asked if we can cut off attempts to gain membership renewals as of June 30th. This is because otherwise the effort to get people to renew becomes too time consuming. This was basically supported, however if someone joins after that we do not want to refuse them.
Motion: Kelly moved that we rename the “Newsletter Fund” to “Outreach and Publicity Fund”. Michael Seconded. Motion approved.
Folsom Estate Report:
Motion: Robert moved that we establish a fund in the savings account for the Folsom Bequest. Kathleen Seconded. Discussion: we are trusting that RSB Chicago will pay us back as promised within 9 months (by April 2018). The Folsom Estate Lawyer is wishing to close the estate and will be working with RSB Chicago to do so, taking care of the misappropriation of funds. Motion approved.
Review of Michaelmas (Kelly and others who attended): Over all good mood, and appreciation. Kelly will share board feedback with the Planning Group. $300 was allocated by the Board. $278 was spent. $338 was received in donations. The board is very grateful for the efforts and support in all areas: planning, attendance, participation, and donations!
Review of Planning Group Function (Kelly) – The Planning Group has been working well together so far. Good listening, sharing, problem solving, and overall good will. Our hope is to work collaboratively as much as possible. Our next work will be for the Winter season/Gabriel.
All Souls Day – November 2nd (Kathleen) – Kathleen offered to present something working with lectures by Dennis Klocek on death and death rituals. The event will be in the evening from 7 – 9.
Death Faire in Pittsboro (Kathleen) Kathleen asked for funding to have a presence at the Pittsboro Death Faire.
Motion: Kelly moved to allocate up to $300 for this faire. Robert Seconded. Discussion included the importance of displaying RS works that mention life after death, life between death and rebirth, knowledge of higher worlds, so that the focus is on the life beyond death. The display should be well presented. Kathleen will keep us informed about her plan for this event. Motion Approved.
Meet-Up Groups– this discussion was TABLED. The groups have not yet begun.
Speakers for December, January and February – A this time, we have no plans to bring in a speaker. We discussed local talent in comparison with bringing in talent. Kathleen may present more information about speaker Marianne Kirkwood for discussion via email. It is difficult to gauge what the members will be interested in and therefore what we should spend member dues on. Rarely do members offer suggestions.
Branch Meeting – Our next branch meeting will be in February. Kelly requested that we plan it well so it is not boring.
Website – we recognized the need to have our website professionally designed. Kelly will begin researching this option.
Discuss Process of Board members voting online – TABLED
Confirm and record the two email votes that we took:
Motion: On August 30, Robert moved that the RSB Board allocate $200 as scholarship money for Anne Nicholson to attend the AGM in Phoenix October 13-15. Michael seconded the motion. Discussion: Anne had provided all of the information required in our policy, in particular she agreed to give a report to the Branch about the AGM. There is currently $323. In the scholarship fund. Motion approved.
Motion: On September 7, Kelly moved that the RSB Board spend up to $150. in additional monies for Michaelmas for a total of $300 maximum. Robert seconded. Background: Roger and Kelly see Michaelmas as a major festival for the Branch and they would like to spend a total of $300 on Michaelmas. We have approximately $6,000 in unrestricted funds. There will be donations to offset this additional $150. Motion approved.
Next Board meeting: Friday, December 1, 2017, from 2 – 4 at the Mays home. (Note: the Board meeting was subsequently rescheduled to December 15th).