Minutes for RSB Board Meeting October 20, 2015
Present: Robert, Robin, Judy, Kathleen
Verse: The American Verse was spoken.
Treasurer’s Report: Robin presented the Treasurer’s Report which included a chart of income and expenses for the past 10 months. Robin will investigate and report back about one item that was marked “unknown expense”. Robert and Robin will get together to revise the bookkeeping/accounting procedures on November 16 at 2 PM.
Heart Fund Request update: An email was sent out updating the situation with the Bruce and Margaretta. We will pray and keep tabs on the situation before sending out a request for funds.
Newsletter: Discussion was held about integrating the newsletter more with the website. The upcoming November issue will be the same as usual. After that Robin and Kathleen will meet to see what changes can be made. Robert will write a “From the President” letter for the upcoming issue.
Email Problems: Several members have reported that they have not been receiving emails from our list-serve. Robin suggested that people check their Spam mail folder.
Upcoming Events:
- Branch meeting at the Mayses Oct. 23rd 7-9 PM with a presentation by Ron Veitel about his trip to the Society AGM trip in St. Louis the weekend of October 9-11. We will ask for donations at the meeting to help cover the expenses. Joy Kwapien advanced the money for his trip, and would like to be reimbursed for some of the expenses if possible.
- All Souls’ Day observance at Judy Frey’s on Nov. 1 6:30-8:30. Judy requested a large pot to burn the papers with the names of the dead. Robin says he will bring a large copper pot that he has.
- EWS Holiday Faire: Will was not present so a report was not given about his coordination of volunteers for the parking lot. Our branch would like to set up an information table at the Faire. Robert will contact Raelee about this. He will also tell her that we cannot do the Cake Walk. Kathleen will bring lots of copies of Being Human, the newsletter, an email sign-up sheet, fliers about upcoming events, forms for joining the national Society and she will make a brochure about our branch for distribution.
- Cultural Group – Joanna will be hosting meetings to prepare for Advent and the Holy Nights at her house on Thursday, October 29, November 12, 19, December 3, 10, and 17, at 3 PM. Members of the Board are asked to attend.
- Glen Williamson Performance has been confirmed for December 12, 13. Glen needs a place to stay. The Sunday performance will interfere with the 3rd Sunday of Advent observance. Kathleen will work on a flyer for the events. A link to Glen’s video will be put on the flyers.
- Mary Anne Kirkwood requested to give a lecture here in December. There is too much going on and so we must decline.
Members’ Concerns: Robert will contact Margaret and Allen for follow up discussions. Robert will invite Edward to the next Board meeting, as Edward would like to share his thoughts about a Collegium in the branch. This will take place November 24 for one hour 7:30-8:30 PM.
Next Board Meeting: Tuesday November 24, 6:00-8:30 PM. Robert will confirm with Will to see if he can make it.
Closing Verse; meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM