Minutes for RSB Board Meeting March 9, 2018
Present: Kathleen, Michael, Robert, Ron, Roger. Absent: Kelly.
Verse, opening.
Selected Recording Secretary: Robert
Motion: Robert moved to approve the minutes from February 9th 2018. Roger seconded. Approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Deferred to next meeting.
- Annual Membership Letter: To Do: Kathleen to ask Kelly to send it out.
Planning Group Update: Roger was not able to attend the previous meeting. Perhaps Kelly can report at the next meeting. Deferred to next meeting.
Mary Stewart Adams Workshop: April 6-7. The cost will be on a sliding scale: $10-$20 for the Friday evening lecture, and $30 – $50 for the Saturday workshop. Friday night lecture will be in the Eurythmy Room and Saturday workshop will be in the Brown Wing. Visiting eurythmist Corinne Horan will lead the audience in two exercises; her fee is $100. Mary has purchased her airline tickets — roughly $400.
- Need to arrange refreshments for Saturday morning and afternoon — lunch will be on one’s own.
Report from Scholarship Recipient: To Do: Kathleen will send this report from Anne out over the list-serve.
Re-design of Website: Anne Nicholson met with us and described what she will be able to do. She will be here until the end of April or May then most likely moving to the west coast. Plan A would be to move the site to WordPress hosting, add modules as needed, use a free events calendar plugin and free scene template with the right look and feel for the site. Plan B would be to simplify and enhance what we already have, beautify the site with a new template, and install the new calendar. Anne would train one or more people how to post articles and events. Anne would bill us through PayPal.
- Motion: Roger moved that Anne Nicholson will be engaged to upgrade the RSB-NC web site. Up to $300 is allocated for this work. Ron seconded. Approved.
- To Do: Robert will work with Anne to decide on Plan A or Plan B.
- To Do: Kathleen will provide photos from past RSB-NC events.
Scholarship Approval Process: There was a suggestion for requests to come in writing and enough in advance to allow time for proper board deliberation. Robert sent Kelly the current policy for scholarship approval. There seemed to be general consensus that the recipient should be a branch member, and only one scholarship per year. Deferred until next meeting.
Email Voting: Deferred: We need to schedule board meetings in advance for 2018 at the next meeting to minimize the need for email voting.
AGM: The AGM is scheduled for Saturday, March 24th 1 – 4 pm. Reports of the prior year successes by the anthroposophical initiatives written instead of verbal.
- To Do: Kathleen will announce the meeting with two weeks’ notice and send out the agenda.
- To Do: All – arrange for refreshments.
- To Do: Robert will print ballots.
Branch Library to become a reality: Kelly will draft an agreement for housing the Branch Library: deferred until next board meeting.
Next Meeting: April 20th 2-4 PM at the Mays home.
Verse, Closing.