Minutes for RSB Board Meeting June 4, 2019
Present: Kathleen, Robert, Kelly, Roger.
Verse, opening.
Recording Secretary: In the absence of an official recording secretary, Robert volunteered to take minutes.
Approve minutes: Motion: Robert moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Kelly seconded. Approved.
- TO DO: Approval of AGM 2019 was postponed to next meeting.
Treasurer’s report: Kelly reported that Chicago Branch has completed its repayment of the Linda Folsom estate bequest. There are now 29 membership renewals to date. Because we canceled the EWS rental for the First Class meeting in June and we canceled an EWS rental for which we paid as deposit for a festival that was not held, we potentially have a credit of $100 that can be applied to the rental for First Class meetings in 2019-2020.
- Motion: Robert moved and Kelly seconded, to transfer the Linda Folsom estate money from our checking account to the money market bank account. Approved.
- TO DO: Kelly to transfer the Linda Folsom funds to the money market account.
- TO DO: Kelly to send RS Branch Chicago a card and write an email of thanks for having repaid the Linda Folsom estate money. We are waiving the interest that had originally been agreed to be paid to us.
- TO DO: Kelly to renew our liability insurance policy which is due now.
- TO DO: Kelly to send out another appeal to non-renewing and lapsed members to renew their membership for 2019.
- TO DO: Kelly to apply the credits that we have on EWS account to rentals at EWS in the future.
- TO DO: Robert to respond to an IRS notice that we did not file our 990-N tax form for 2017. In fact we have a receipt that it was filed on 4/11/2018.
Potential new Board members: TO DO: Kelly has invited Russell Arnold and Patrick Uzzell to the August Board meeting and will inform them of the date (see below).
Festivals and Events:
- Easter Festival: We reviewed the Easter festival held at Judy’s home, with much gratitude expressed for Judy and Doug. Take up at next Branch meeting: for next Easter, can we also do something on Easter Saturday evening?
- Whitsun: will be at Diana’s home
- TO DO: Kathleen to send a card to Diana and Kelly to send flowers for Diana (Care Fund)
- Amaranth Eurythmy performance: scheduled for March 2020. No further news at this point.
- St. John’s Festival: will be 6/23 at 3 PM: bring your own picnic lunch, celebration of “Receiving from the Heights of Heaven” with poetry, experience of eurythmy, and music
- TO DO: Kelly to contact the Planning Group about this plan and draft an announcement of the Festival
- TO DO: Kelly to call school regarding St. John’s rental
- TO DO: Kathleen to contact Jason Child to lead the singing
- Ross Rentea workshop: September 6-7, with Corinne Horan (eurythmy). The proposed schedule from Ross was reviewed. Suggestions were made to change the title of the weekend.
- Tentative: Friday evening lecture 7:00 – 8:30; Saturday workshop 9:00 – 5:00; Saturday evening lecture 7:00 – 8:00.
- We will use some of the Outreach Fund to advertise for this workshop.
- TO DO: Kelly to send reimbursement check to Ross Rentea for expenses already incurred.
- TO DO: Kathleen to contact EWS to reserve the Brown Room via Corinne (or Christina) – it should be available because it’s a faculty request
- TO DO: Kathleen to contact Ross to clarify the focus of the workshop: Anthroposophic Medicine for Healthy, Graceful Aging
- June 15 Branch Meeting: Postponed until the fall due to proximity with St. John’s. Also to Father’s Day.
Stipend for those who speak at a Branch Meeting:
- Motion: Kelly moved that we offer a $50 stipend to people we invite to speak at Branch Meetings, including retroactively to Edward Schuldt for his talk at the March Branch Meeting. Robert seconded. Approved.
- TO DO: Kelly to write stipend check to Edward.
Event schedule for next year: We need to set the annual calendar so it can be used to encourage member renewals.
- TO DO: Kathleen to set the Branch meeting calendar for 2019-2020: 2 meetings in the Fall and 3 in the Spring.
Next Board Meeting: Saturday, August 3 or 10, 1:00-3:00 PM at the Mays home. Exact date will depend on Russell’s and Patrick’s availability.
Closing Verse.