Minutes for RSB Board Meeting June 30, 2017
Present: All present: Roger, Michael, Kathleen, Robert, Kelly (recording secretary for this meeting). Ron was absent.
Verse, opening
Motion to approve minutes of previous meeting (May 26): Motion to approve minutes was made by Robert, second by Roger.
Membership Renewal: Kelly sent an email to members thanking them for their support. Roger sent an email to those who will likely renew if prompted. There were replies to Roger’s email already and more are hoped for.
Website and List-serve Maintenance: Kelly is making progress – she is able to maintain the website member/non-member status, and has yet to maintain the list-serve but hopes to have that done soon.
Amaranth Eurythmy Project: Robert reported that there is no news relevant to the Board. He reiterated his hopes that the Board and community will support the project when it comes to our area.
Treasurer’s Report: Kelly distributed a report with accompanying financial statements. See attached. The red print has been added since the meeting on June 30th due to deliberations at that meeting.
- Discussion on transferring fund balances:
The newsletter fund: There was general consent to re-direct the Newsletter Fund balance, with sensitivity to those who contributed to it. However, we did not decide to do so, thinking that it was not clear where to move it to. A publicity fund was considered, a travel fund was considered, and the building fund was considered, but then this latter was temporarily dismissed given that we wish use the $1800 in the newsletter fund to be more active in the community right now, and to work up to a situation where the purchase of a building is more within reach. But a great discussion ensued regarding the wish for a building, a community home, and the steps we need to follow to get to the point of fundraising for it. Further discussion is forthcoming.
The library fund: this fund will remain where it is. Judy shared with Roger that some of the books she has are hers, and some she is housing for the branch. Kelly requested that a written agreement be drafted that clarifies the relationship between the branch and the books Judy is housing for us. When the agreement is reached, and the books have been inventoried and valued, then Kelly can add the books to our Balance Sheet as an asset.
- The Foundation Stone Workshop: 28 people attended the Friday night lecture. 18 people attended the workshop. The total revenue was $972. The net income after expenses was approximately $650, and this was sent to the Traveling Speaker’s Program. However the TSP is committed to sending $50 of this to Christina Beck. The costs included payment to the eurythmist, Christina Beck, to the pianist, Beth Shirey, and for refreshments.There was no rent, nor was there any expense paid by us for the travel or stipend for Margaret Shipman, the presenter. Kathleen noted that here was too much food. Kelly printed out a guideline so we can better judge the food needs for subsequent workshops.
St. John’s Tide Celebration: This year, due to Joy Kwapien getting her farm ready to sell, our annual St. John’s Tide celebration was housed at Spence’s farm, adjacent to EWS.
Motion: Roger moved to pay Spence the full amount of his rent request: $180. Michael seconded. All in favor – approved.
Discussion about next year:
- Suggestion for the board to provide the main meal for up to 30 people, for instance. There is often a lack of food at this event. A better pot luck sign up process was suggested.
- It was noted that this is mostly a gift to the community, and in particular the EWS community.
- Board member representation at this event
- It is a major community outreach.
- There was the idea that board members can add to the festivity by dressing up as elemental beings, or encouraging others to do this.
- Kelly requested that we consider a budget of up to $300 next year for the rent, food, paper products and drinks for this event (for instance, southern barbeque). Then the attendees can sign up to bring sides. With the food supply adequate consistently, the event will more likely be successful and attractive.
- If the money is approved to be budgeted, then the new ‘Request for Sponsorship’ form will not be required.
Requests for Sponsorship:
Given that the board is limited in its ability to participate in event management, Kelly requested that there be a process for approving requests for funding of community events. This has been in discussion for the past two board meetings.
Motion: Michael moved to approve the Request for Sponsorship form and the accompanying Best Practice for deliberations. Roger seconded. All in favor – approved.
Kelly will send out a draft ‘info email to the community’ to the board for feedback.
Robert will post this form on the website
Annual Calendar: Kathleen emailed an annual calendar, and Roger will post it to the website.
Motion: Kelly moved that the board allocate $10 per month for 9 months to begin a Meet-up to start in September. Robert seconded. All in favor – approved
Robert and Kathleen will set this up by late August to begin in September
The plan is for this meet-up to be on the Knowledge of Higher Worlds. As well, this is a Branch sponsored meet up.
Kelly therefore noted that the presenters should have certain skills so as to attract people, such as clear speaking, speaking in complete sentences, slow and deliberate speech, grounded demeanor, and good leadership and facilitation skills.
Roger suggested that at some point others are invited to join in this endeavor.
Next Meeting: August 18th or 25th
Board member travel: Roger will be away for 3 months, beginning Aug 1 through September.