Minutes for RSB Board Meeting June 11, 2022
Present: Robert Mays, Kathleen Wright, Viorica Comaniciu, Kelly DiPietro
Opening verse
Approve minutes of April 9, 2022 meeting: Robert moves to approve. Kathleen seconds. Approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report (Robert): The Mayses donated $400.00 to cover website moving costs. Our current checking balance is $845.00. We have one new member, Julie Stone.
Festivals and Events (Kathleen):
- Review of Easter: Joanna had a celebration at her home.
- Review of Whitsun: Diana and Robin Haynes hosted Whitsun at their home. Twenty people attended. There was Eurythmy by Christina Beck, lyre playing with Joanna Carey, singing with Ben Bingham; short talks by Jenny Bingham and Diana Haynes; conversation and refreshments. Beautiful program and spirit among the attendees!
- 100th Anniversary of Biodynamic Farming: Jon Lyerly has agreed to host a celebration of this historic event. He will give a talk on the history of the BD movement and there will be a Pot Luck and Preparation making. It will be on the second weekend of August, probably on the Saturday. Jon will be moving to Candler, NC the following weekend.
- 100th Anniversary of the Christian Community: The Christian Community will celebrate this Centennial on September 17. Diana Haynes will give a talk about the history of the Christian Community from the time of Steiner and Kathleen Wright will give a talk on the history of our local affiliate. There will be a PotLuck luncheon and a special cake to commemorate the event.
- St. John’s: The Mystery Drama Study group will be presenting a scene from the Portal of Initiation in the Eurythmy Room on Friday, June 24 at 5:15 PM.
New Business
- Announcement: Joanna is moving to California in late August.
- Request: Melody Miller is planning to move to the West Coast and continue her Speech training there. She has posted a request for funding on Go Fund Me. Should we send a contribution from the Heart Fund?
- MOTION: Robert moved that we allocate $200.00 from the scholarship fund provided Melody becomes a member and fills out the application form for the scholarship. Our Branch benefit will be a report to the Board. Seconded. Adopted unanimously.
- TO DO (Robert): Send $200.00 to Melody from the scholarship fund.
- Set Calendar Dates for Events, Festivals, Branch meetings.
- The Christian Community requests a written proposal regarding the proposed joint venture to purchase property for a Church/Branch home. (See letter from the Carrying Group).
- TO DO (Robert): Robert will write a proposal and share it with the other board members regarding the money for a dedicated space building fund use.
Reports from initiatives and daughter movements in the area
- EWS: there is a major shortage of Waldorf Teachers.
- Christian Community: The Christian Community had its last Priest visit of the year on Ascension weekend last month. The dates of upcoming priest visits are: October 21-23, November 11-13, December 2-4.
- Study Groups:
- Joanna continues meeting at her house on Tuesday nights but the group will disband and hopefully be meeting somewhere else in the fall when Joanna moves away.
- Biodynamic Group will continue to meet even after Jon moves away.
Next Board Meeting: September 24th, 2-4 PM at the Mays home.
Closing Verse