Minutes for RSB Board Meeting January 6, 2016
Present: Robert Mays, Robin Haynes, Ron Evans, Judy Frey, Diana Haynes
Absent: Kathleen Wright, Tatiana Zybin
Late arrival: Will Hicks
Verse, opening
Minutes of previous meeting: Motion to approve by Robin Haynes, Seconded by Judy, All in favor.
Additions to the agenda – none
- Robin presented a preliminary financial report for 2015. Details in two page report handed out and discussed.
- He did not have time to give a report on the number of members, number of web site views, size of RSB lists.
- Discussed the need to prepare and send out year-end statements and thank-yous for donations. Judy Frey will work on thank you notes and Robert will write a letter from the President for the dual purpose of giving tax information and requesting annual dues. Robin will combine these two documents in a mail merge and send it to the branch members.
- Robin agreed to send out a 1099-MISC for Glen Williamson. He is the only person to require this.
- Donations increased this year due to increased donations by Board members. Spending of previous Board was in excess of monies received. The idea of charging money for the festivals was rejected, however, when there is an event; it should be clear that all monies received as donations go to supporting the general cultural work of the Branch.
Heart Fund: Update on persons in need, no action decided.
Newsletter: Kathleen was not present so we don’t know the status of the newsletter, but it is hoped that Kathleen will continue to produce them, even if less frequently. Some newsletter articles may be added to the web site, at the discretion of Diana, who maintains the site day to day.
RSB-NC Bylaws
- Ron would like to see the requirement reinstated for members of the Branch to be members of the Anthroposophical Society. This was discussed and all agreed to it as a proposal. Ron feels that some of the language in the original 1997 bylaws was clearer than the current language which is more fuzzy.
- Robert believes that any changes would take a great many hours of work among several directors and multiple meetings. We would not have time to complete this work before the next AGM.
- As it stands, the bylaws permit the Board to amend the bylaws with a simple majority of its directors. Robert feels this should be changed and the whole Branch should be involved in any changes that affect its operation. Most of us agreed and that would be another possible change. However, it was agreed that we would present the changes to the Branch to review and have a vote before making any changes.
- Robin divided the bylaws into three to be reviewed by himself, Ron and Diana. We will then meet with Robert to discuss proposed amendments, prior to our next meeting.
Review prior events
- To be discussed at meeting this Friday (1:30 PM) to review with Joanna and presenters
- Discussed ways to encourage all Branch members to bring forward cultural initiatives. This thought should be included in the letter that Robert writes regarding annual dues.
Preparation for upcoming events
- Kathleen had suggested via email that the Branch celebrate Steiner’s Birthday: Branch on Feb 20th Saturday – to discuss “What will happen to Anthroposophy if there is no Anthroposophical Society?”
- We agreed to cancel reservations of the Brown Wing: for January 23 and March 26 – day before Easter.
- No other events are being planned. Waiting to hear from Christina Beck about a possible eurythmy performance.
Outreach and membership
- Prepare for membership drive and membership renewals. Agreed that Robert and Judy would write a combined letter for renewing membership and thanking people for their support of the branch.
- Discussed who should reach out to new members of the Society: Tommy Spain in Hickory, NC; Christopher Coffey in Arden, NC. Judy agreed to send them an email and invite them to stay at her house if they want to come to our area for an event.
Board membership, Annual General Meeting
- Tentative date set for the next AGM of Saturday April 23rd. Brown wing already reserved. Board directors who will be retiring are Diana Haynes and Will Hicks and possibly one other member.
- Robert feels that a letter should be sent to the members to let people know that there will be board positions open and that new members are invited to apply.
Set date for next Board meeting Feb. 9th, Tuesday 3-5:30 pm
Verse, closing, refreshments