Minutes for RSB Board Meeting January 20, 2017
Present: Robert, Kelly, Judy, Kathleen, Michael, Robin, Ron and Diana.
Verse, opening
Approve minutes of previous meeting – Robin moved to approve minutes of previous meeting- Michael seconded the motion. Motion approved, all in favor.
Financial: Kelly presented a detailed year-end financial report. She summarized all annual financial activity, and cash position, including year to date comparisons. Bank Statements were provided for review.
- Robin moved to approve Treasurer’s report, motion seconded by Judy. All in favor — motion approved.
RSB-NC Bylaws (Robert, Robin, Ron): We discussed the various proposed bylaws revisions (handed out in the meeting) and discussed whether it was possible to add one more amendment: whether we would have time to discuss, write and approve that amendment in the time we have to present these amendments before the upcoming AGM.
- Ron moved to bring the proposed bylaw changes to a Special Meeting of members and then to make the final decision about adopting the changes. Motion seconded by Kathleen. All in favor — motion approved.
Robin proposed an additional amendment to the bylaws which we discussed, then added to the previous changes and after discussion voted on.
- Kelly moved to amend Article X, Section 1 to add the following stipulation:
- Expenditures, contracts, leases or capital investments in aggregate over $5,000 shall be approved at a Special Meeting of the members according to Article V herein.
and to include this amendment with the other proposed amendments. Motion seconded by Judy. All in favor — motion approved.
Discussion about holding a Branch meeting in February (Kathleen): tentative date February 26th at 2 pm. Possible elements for the program:
- Announcements by Robert on the upcoming AGM and summary of the years activities.
- Talk by Kathleen about what Steiner did 100 years ago and how it compares to what is happening in the world today.
- Short talk honoring Dr. Steiner’s birthday, photographs, possible personal stories about Dr. Steiner taken from various books.
- Discussion. What is your vision for the future of the Branch? Handout of questions provided by Kathleen for members to answer. We will email our response to her proposed questionnaire and she will finalize a version that meets with our approval.
Arrangements for venue will be done by Diana. Announcements will be handled by Kathleen. Refreshments offered by Judy
- Kelly moved to commit to hold a Branch meeting in February. Motion seconded by Robin. All in favor — motion approved.
Preparation for 2017 AGM (Robert): Schedule leading up to AGM (tentative):
- 1/20/17: Decide on the dates of the bylaw change review with members (on March 4, with the AGM on March 25).
- 1/22/17: President’s letter (like the previous letter): (a) review of 2016, (b) call to renew membership, (c) announce proposed Bylaw changes & procedure, (d) announce Board vacancies & call for nominations and volunteers. (d) call for any topics to be brought before the AGM
- 2/4/17: additional call for membership renewal; announce bylaws Special Meeting (between 10 and 30 days of meeting); reminder of AGM date and call for nominations and any business to be addressed. Report biographies of any proposed nominees as we receive them.
- 3/4/17: 2 pm – 3:30 pm Special Meeting of members to discuss proposed bylaw changes (just prior to next Board meeting) at the Mays home.
- 3/4/17: 3:30 pm – 5 pm Board meeting to finalize bylaw changes after considering comments from members and also finalize agenda for AGM
- 3/11/17 Send out final notice of AGM with agenda (at least 14 days prior to meeting), including biographies of nominees for Board and any topics that will be discussed; repeat call to renew membership.
- 3/25/17: Hold AGM
Robert asked for suggestions for President’s Review of 2016 (highlights, events, deaths, challenges etc.)
- Diana moved to approve the above schedule of events leading up to the AGM. Motion seconded by Kathleen. All in favor of schedule — motion approved.
Membership (Robert): Brief report. We now have 37 members. Further discussion was postponed to next Board meeting.
Expanding membership (Diana): Discuss ways of attracting more people into the Society and the Branch. Discussion postponed to next board meeting.
Cultural events (Kelly): Discuss the process of deciding which events the Board should sponsor. Discussion postponed to next board meeting.
Next Board meeting
- Agenda requests for next Board meeting:
- Discuss and decide on whether to adopt proposed amendments to RSB Bylaws
- Membership: (see item above)
- Expanding membership: (see item above)
- Cultural events: (see item above)
- The next Board meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 4, 2017: Special Meeting of the members, 2 – 3:30 pm, Board meeting 3:30 – 5 pm. At the Mays home.
Verse, closing