Minutes for RSB Board Meeting January 16, 2021
Present: Kathleen, Robert, Viorica, Patrick, Kelly (came late).
Verse, opening.
Recording Secretary: In the absence of an official recording secretary, Robert volunteered to take minutes.
Approve minutes: Motion: Kathleen moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Patrick seconded. Approved.
Treasurer’s Report (Kelly): Final report of the year (not available at this time – available in the next 2-3 weeks).
- TO DO: Kelly to provide Year-end Financial Report by February 6th.
Intentions for Next Year – Kathleen (will stand for reelection), Robert (continue Vice President & temporary secretary), Viorica (EWS liaison), Patrick (to develop MeWe & coordination with Biodynamic group), Kelly (Treasurer, one additional year) are willing to stay on. Discussion about potential Board candidates.
- Saturday, March 27 AGM via Zoom call at 4:00–5:30 PM: We need to notify members of the AGM date by January 27th and to renew their membership for 2021. Kelly will probably not be able to attend, possibly if it’s at 4:00 – 5:30 PM.
- TO DO: Kathleen and Robert will prepare and send the email notifications according to the bylaws, modeled on previous years’ emails. Include an appeal for new Board members.
- TO DO: Kelly and Kathleen: Draft dues email to be sent out. Remind people that we have flexible dues for now – just need their intention that they want to continue as a member.
- TO DO: Robert to add email addresses, home address and phone numbers on our membership join/renewal form and website form.
Festivals and Events:
- Review of Advent and Holy Nights (Kathleen): Joanna organized the Advent gatherings. Due to the pandemic, nothing was organized by the Board in our community for the Holy Nights. Many Zoom offerings were offered around the country which were posted to our list-serve.
- Report on last month’s move to fulfill Joanna’s request for our financing $400 for Advent Festival. Kathleen notified Joanna, but Joanna decided to decline the offer and have the Advent gatherings at her home and a couple of other members’ homes.
Report on the status of our website (Robert): We recovered the website from a backup version from June 2019. Some Board minutes from Fall 2019 were lost but most from 2020 are being recovered (e.g. AGM 2020). Jim Stewart spent many hours recovering the web site and restoring the formatting.
- Motion: Robert moved that we send a $500.00 to the RS Archive (Jim Stewart) for all the work he did to recover the website. Second Kathleen. Unanimous.
- TO DO: Robert to arrange with Kelly to send $500.00 as a donation to the RS Archives.
MeWe Update (Patrick): People have been coming on to MeWe (even Claudia from Italy) – mostly interest in biodynamics. Problems with navigating MeWe (e.g., download the app).
- TO DO: Patrick to send out another reminder with a link and how to get on to MeWe. Ask Patrick if they have any questions.
Initiatives and Daughter Movements in our Community:
- EWS (Viorica): Grades and High School still online to the end of January. Early childhood began in person last week – short schedule, only outside.
- Biodynamics (Patrick): There was a meeting on New Year’s evening and follow-up stir on January 6th. About 5-6 people attended.
- Christian Community (Kathleen): Patrick Kennedy and his family have moved back to Spring Valley, NY for various reasons. Our local CC Affiliate donated $3,000 to help them. The pandemic has caused much financial hardship for the Seminary. We are expecting a priest visit on January 31st and there will be two services with only 10 people allowed in the room at a time (only 7 CC members, plus 2 servers, plus the priest).
Update on tasks from last time plus new tasks:
- TO DO: Kelly and Kathleen will reach out to members to provide their phone number and mailing address, email address(es). Kelly will add these data to our membership spreadsheet (“RSB-NC Board Info”).
- TO DO: Kelly will report to the Board only as requested by Kathleen regarding membership and financial status.
- TO DO: Kelly and Kathleen: More people would probably pay dues – draft dues email to be sent out. Draft by Kelly and sent by Kathleen.
- TO DO: Kathleen to ask Board members for pictures; Robert will post them to the website.
- Tabled: Kathleen, Kelly and Robert will go to the two banks (BB&T & Self Help Credit Union) and add Kathleen’s name and signature. Need to set the date.
Suggestion from Patrick: great website that’s offering recorded readings of Steiner lectures: http://rudolfsteineraudio.com
Next Board Meeting: Sunday March 28th at 2:00 – 4:00 PM
Closing Verse. Adjourned.