Minutes for RSB Board Meeting January 15, 2019
Present: Kathleen, Robert, Kelly, Roger.
Verse, opening.
Recording Secretary: In the absence of an official recording secretary, Kelly volunteered to take minutes.
Approve minutes: Motion: Robert moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Kelly seconded. Approved.
Treasurer’s report: Year-end financials were reviewed
- Motion: Kelly moved to budget $100 annually for a Care Fund (cards and flowers, for example). Roger seconded. Approved.
- TO DO: Robert will follow through with the IRS in correcting our NP status from ‘inactive’ to ‘active’.
Festivals and Events
- Advent Sundays were strengthening and well attended. Christmas Festival was lovely and also well attended. The Holy Nights are a tradition we wish to continue, even if we cannot find hosts every night, but only some nights.
- Next Festival: Easter Festival April 27th. Kathleen would like to join the planning group in preparing for this festival. Inspirational meetings to begin in February.
Upcoming Meetings
- Sunday, February 24 branch meeting from 2-4 PM at the Mays home. It will include a talk by Edward Schuldt on the Maitreya Buddha.
- Saturday, March 23 AGM also at the Mays home
TO DO: Kathleen and Robert will prepare and send the email notifications according to the bylaws.
- May branch meeting to be scheduled.
- TO DO: Kelly will send out an annual event schedule.
Upcoming Events
- Ross Rentea for September 7 or 14th
TO DO: Kathleen will call him to schedule
TO DO: Kelly will call ERUUF to inquire about room rental
- TO DO: Kathleen will contact a country club that may have appropriate rental space for $25 / hour
Amaranth Eurythmy performance
- Motion: Robert moved that we reserve the DAC for November 9th, 2019 with Kelly as contact person. Roger seconded. Approved
Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, February 19th 2-4 PM at the Mays home
Closing Verse.