Minutes for RSB Board Meeting February 9, 2016
All members in attendance
Opening Verse
Approve minutes of previous meeting – motion to approve by Judy, seconded by Robin, all in favor.
Financial: Robin regretfully requests to be relieved of his duties as Treasurer. He is unable to give it the time and attention that is required any longer. He will stay on as a Board member and continue his work on the bylaws, the website and listserv. Robert is willing to taking on the role and responsibilities of Treasurer until someone else joins us who has the skills to take on this task.
- Motion to transfer the office of Treasurer to Robert as interim Treasurer made by Judy, seconded by Will, unanimously approved.
Heart Fund request (Diana): no action required at this time.
Newsletter: Kathleen will continue to produce the newsletter. Support was voiced as to the importance of this service. She will review the commitment quarterly and see if she is able to continue past the summer.
Preparation for upcoming events (Kathleen, Judy, Diana, Tatiana):
- Preparation for Rudolf Steiner Birthday, Saturday, February 20, 3-5 pm at the Brown room of EWS. All expressed the desire that the event be experienced positively. Kathleen has material prepared and will take this on personally. Kathleen, Judy, Diana and Tatiana will meet the following day for lunch to discuss content and ideas for the event.
- Preparation for Easter Festival: Judy will be sending an announcement out for the traditional Holy Saturday gathering at her home and celebration of Easter dawn and breakfast together. Kathleen has looked into the availability of space at Avilla retreat center and may wish to offer something there for Good Friday. It is noted that Joanna may also wish to do an offering for Holy Week.
Outreach and membership:
- Lecture to college students: Judy expressed the desire to organize a lecture to be given to college students on Duke University campus on “What is Anthroposophy, Who is Rudolf Steiner and Why is it important?” Judy shared how several key members of the Society discovered Anthroposophy by professor Ernst Katz writing this on the black board and inviting students to come to a study group. There is a sense that it is an important task to present these ideas more regularly to the general public. Judy and Kathleen will organize this.
- Talks to EWS parents: Kathleen voiced interest in doing talks for parents at the EWS if that is allowed.
Prepare for membership drive and membership renewals: It was discussed that if someone makes an on-line, continuing donation that is equivalent to the annual dues, which entitles them to membership. We discussed the benefits of membership and how we can encourage people to join.
Board Membership, Annual General Meeting April 23rd 2016:
- Board terms of the current members: Will Hicks and Diana Haynes – one year. Robert Mays, Robin Haynes and Judy Frey – two years. Kathleen Wright, Tatiana Zybin and Ron Evans – three years.
- Vacancies on the Board: the terms of Will Hicks and Diana Haynes are ending. Therefore, we have 2 openings on the Board to be filled. Will has decided not to seek re-election. Diana will be standing for re-election.
- Soliciting new Board members: Robert has already notified the Branch in his letter that the Board is seeking nominations, with candidates’ biography and statements. It was discussed that the Board needs someone with financial skills to take on the role of Treasurer. Suggestions of two people with the requisite skills were made and Judy has volunteered to contact them. If they are not available, several other names were suggested.
Preparations for Annual General Meeting:
- Announcement, notification for any additional business to be transacted. Noted that the bylaws state that the names of candidates will be published 2 months prior to the AGM. This should be changed as we may not get nominations and bios until the last minute.
- RSB-NC Bylaws (Ron): Robin, Ron and Diana have been working on clarifying and improving the bylaws for months. They will continue their work and the Board will hold a special bylaws meeting to review the work on February 22, 10 am.
Set date for next Board meeting: March 7th, 2-4:30 pm, at the Mays home
Closing Verse