Minutes for RSB Board Meeting February 18, 2019
Present: Kathleen, Robert, Roger, Kelly.
Verse, opening.
Recording Secretary: In the absence of an official recording secretary, Robert volunteered to take minutes.
Approve minutes: Motion: Roger moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Kathleen seconded. Approved.
Treasurer’s report: Current Balance Sheet was reviewed.
- TO DO: Kelly will make adjustments to the accounts to set up the Care Fund and to adjust the Linda Folsom Estate restricted fund.
- TO DO: Kelly to send out year-end donation receipts.
- Robert reported that the 2018 990-N report was successfully filed with the IRS. There is no indication why for the 2017 filing we were marked by the IRS as “inactive.”
- TO DO: Kelly to send out membership renewal reminders with the membership form + ask for nominations to the Board + the annual event calendar.
Festivals and Events
- Amaranth Eurythmy performance: we received an email from Christina that we should go ahead with the Durham Arts Council on November 8-9 with some adjustment in the load in time.
- TO DO: Kelly to contact DAC to finalize contract for the performance.
- Next Festival: Easter Festival April 21. TO DO: Kelly, Kathleen & Roger to hold initial planning meeting: February 25, 11:30 PM at Panera.
Upcoming Meetings
- Sunday, February 24 Branch meeting from 2-4 PM at the Mays home. Kathleen will talk about Rudolf Steiner and the year 1919 in the Anthroposophical Society.
- Saturday, March 23 AGM 2-5 PM also at the Mays home.
- TO DO: Kathleen to send out notice on March 7: AGM date/time/place + Kelly is standing for re-election to Board + last call for nominations for Board + call for AGM reports + reminder to renew membership (prior to meeting or bring a check to meeting) + email Kathleen to arrange for a proxy vote.
- TO DO: Kathleen and Kelly — arrange for light snacks for the meeting.
- Sunday, March 31 Edward will give his talk on the Maitreya Buddha
- Sunday, April 28 Branch Easter Festival — Kelly
- Saturday, May 4 2-4 PM: Joanna will give a talk on the Anthroposophical theory of music.
Upcoming Events
- Ross Rentea for September: TO DO: Kathleen will check with him in May or June to see if we can schedule him in September.
- Room Rentals: TO DO: Kathleen will contact Durham Parks & Recreation on Hillandale Road that may have appropriate rental space for $25 / hour.
Next Board Meeting: Monday, April 1, 3:30-5:30 PM at the Mays home
Closing Verse.