Branch Meeting February 26, 2017: Rudolf Steiner’s birthday celebration
Nineteen Branch members met in the EWS Brown Room to celebrate Rudolf Steiner’s 156th birthday.
Board President Robert Mays read the Branch Ideal verse (see below). After a few announcements of upcoming events for the Branch, Robert noted all the work of Branch members in study groups, Branch meetings, classes, workshops, our festival celebrations and having lectures and concerts open to the greater community.
He described the ideal that the Branch members have had for many years–to have a Branch home to provide a focal point of Branch life. In order to achieve this goal, there will need to be a solid foundation in the Branch to support the capital campaign needed to acquire property for a home. The Branch will need first to have a healthy social life among our members, and trust and confidence in the leadership of the Branch. We have made some good progress in these areas. These changes will allow us to attract donors with disposable assets and to arrange for bequests to the Branch. The activities of the Branch need to be so numerous that the need for the Branch home is clearly evident. So our first priority is to continue to build a healthy social life and trust among all members.
Kathleen Wright then presented a picture of the outer events in the world 100 years ago–in the year 1917–and the inner events in the life of Rudolf Steiner. A more complete summary of her talk will be posted later.
The members then formed a circle and discussed questions and comments on what members would like to see for Branch activities. There were a number of suggestions:
- Make our public lecture presentations and concerts appealing to those outside the anthroposophical community — use simple titles like “Is Reincarnation Real?”
- Use local speakers.
- Provide a safe space for members to develop the art of giving presentations.
- Use Meetups to draw people from the greater community to our study groups and events. Start up one or more “basic book study groups” to reach to those who are not familiar yet with anthroposophy.
- Invite local speakers from outside the anthroposophical community to address the members on topics that would interest us.
The meeting adjourned with the recitation of the Branch Ideal verse
The Branch Ideal
From generous sources of the Creative Ones –
Spiritually active individuals present and defend
The anthroposophical substance received,
Lending aid to those who selflessly dedicate themselves
To the needs of the as-yet-quietly-learning ones.
And where they meet with one another, there
Higher Forces ministrate Light – Warmth – Devotion.
– Rudolf Steiner