Minutes for RSB Board Meeting August 21, 2021
Present: Robert Mays, Viorica Comaniciu, Kathleen Wright, Kelly DiPietro
Opening verse
Approve minutes of June 19, 2021 meeting: Viorica moved to accept, Kelly 2nd. Approved!
Treasurer’s Report (Robert): There is a new Branch member, total of 30 members.
- TO DO: Set appointment to take letters to change the signatures to both Self-Help and BB&T (Kathleen and Robert).
Website Report (Robert): RSB-NC List has 60 people on it now, but 80 more people should have migrated over to Google from the old listserv.
Festivals and Events (Kathleen):
- Report on St. John’s Festival: Rev. Matthias Giles and Reverend Emma Heirman gave a talk on St. John on the evening of June 23. The following morning they performed the Act of Consecration at the home of the Smileys. Following the service, a potluck picnic was held at a park near the Smileys. Everyone commented on what a beautiful mood there was throughout the weekend and the singing was better than ever. On June 20, Paul Jackson passed away and his Funeral was led by Matthias during this same weekend. It led a special mood to the weekend, as Paul was born and died near St. John’s Day and Emma Heirman had been the Flower Girl at the wedding of Paul Jackson and his wife, Christian Beck. (Kathleen Wright)
- Review of COVID policies for the community as per the Orange County protocols. Review of use of Waldorf School building requirements. Other possible venues like Camp New Hope were reviewed.
- Update on Anthroposophical Society AGM 2021 (Kathleen): Reviewed the basic requirements to be a local host for the AGM.
TO DO: Kathleen to get more clarification from Hazel Archer-Ginsberg.
- (Viorica): Report on the Eurythmists to see if they want to do a performance during the Christmas season.
TO DO: Viorica will continue a conversation with the Eurythmists regarding Christmas performance.
- (Kathleen) Update on Andrew Linnell’s workshop. Thoughts on what to do in case of a COVID lockdown. Andrew will be reimbursed after the event. Kathleen attended the MysTech Conference online and reported back.
- Update on Michaelmas plans in the community (Kathleen): Joanna will do something for community Michaelmas celebration.
TO DO: Viorica will ask Christina if we can have a dramatic reading of the Mystery Drama for Michaelmas.
Spring events tabled until we are clearer where the current COVID situation is going.
Initiatives and daughter movements in the area
- Emerson Waldorf School (see Viorica’s separate report)
- Christian Community (reviewed)
- Biodynamics (no recent news)
- Study (Joanna’s Reading to the Dead study group)
Set date of Next Board Meeting: on Saturday 9/18/21 at 10am-11:30 at the Mays home.
Closing Verse