Minutes for RSB Board Meeting August 17, 2018
Present: Robert, Roger, Kelly.
Verse, opening.
Approve minutes: Motion: Robert moved to approve the minutes. Roger seconded. Approved.
Recording Secretary: In the absence of an official recording secretary, Kelly volunteered to take minutes.
Financial Report: Kelly handed out financial statements which were reviewed.
TO DO: Kelly to draft a note to the Members “from the Treasurer” and send it to the board for edits/approval. The note is to include status on Amaranth, Folsom Estate, Membership data.
We discussed the draft budget Christina sent to Kathleen for a possible Eurythmy performance of Amaranth this November locally.
TO DO: Kelly to email Christina a financial picture for her team to consider if she wishes.
Amaranth Eurythmy Performance / BOARD EVENT PLANNING (Ross Rentea and Mary Stewart Adams ?) We will wait for the September board meeting to consider the Fall Event because we need to hear from Christina first regarding Amaranth.
Planning Group :
Reviewed the St. John’s Festival. TO DO: Kelly to reach out to Joy to see how things are going at the farm and again offer our assistance with organizing a workday.
Gave status of Branch Michaelmas Celebration planning. Date: Saturday, October 13 and maybe also Friday October 12. So far Sarah Putnam, Judy Frey, and Jon Leyerly will be presenting. Joanna may also wish to bring something.
Possible outreach to the Theosophical Society (Eve’s email): With gratitude to Eve for this idea, we discussed this, and discussion will continue. We need Kathleen’s input and may include this topic in future Branch meeting.
Website . TO DO changed to: Robert will work with Roger to help our website along, especially regarding the organizing of photos.
Scholarship Approval Process: Roger will send Kelly the current draft policy in WORD format. TO DO: Kelly will suggest edits for Policy Approval at next board meeting.
RSB Library: TO DO: Roger is to send to Kelly the inventory from Judy’s Library. Kelly is to send Roger the Good Will Agreement for him to take to Judy for her feedback/edits. The goal is to get our library on our financial statements as an Asset once it is valued and an agreement is in place.
Miscellaneous addition: Caring for our Community. We discussed the need for a pre-approved budget to show community members that we care and are thinking about them. TO DO: This will be on our next meeting agenda.
Motion: Roger moved that we send flowers to Kathleen because we miss her. Robert seconded. Approved
Next RSB-NC Board meeting: Friday SEPTEMBER 21st 2:00-4:00 at the Mays home.
Verse, Closing.