Minutes for RSB Board Meeting April 1, 2019
Present: Kathleen, Robert, Kelly.
Verse, opening.
Recording Secretary: In the absence of an official recording secretary, Robert volunteered to take minutes.
Approve minutes: Motion: Kelly moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Kathleen seconded. Approved.
- TO DO: Approval of AGM 2019 was postponed to next meeting.
Treasurer’s report: Kelly reported that Chicago Branch has only one more payment to make to repay the Linda Folsom bequest. New membership renewals and total membership was reviewed.
- TO DO: Kelly to prepare an updated membership list.
Review of 2019 AGM: 13 people attended. Kelly was re-elected to the RSB Board. There were numerous reports from the community. Draft minutes have been posted.
Festivals and Events
- Amaranth Eurythmy performance: scheduled for March 2020.
- Motion: Robert moved to extend the expenditure for Amaranth performance to March 2020. Kathleen seconded. Approved.
- TO DO: Kelly to write Christina to insure the venue is formally reserved.
- Ross Rentea workshop: September 7, with Corinne Horan (eurythmy). Flight, hotel and contribution to his organization needed, plus fee for Corinne. To include lecture and workshop, to include EWS parents.
- Tentative: Friday evening 7:30 – 9:00 Childhood issues; Saturday 9:30 – 4:00 Aging issues; Saturday evening 7:30 – 9:00.
- Motion: Kelly moved to allocate up to $1200 for the Ross Rentea workshop the weekend of September 7. Robert seconded. Approved.
Upcoming Meetings
- Sunday, March 31 Edward will give his talk on the Maitreya Buddha
- Holy Week: Joanna with hold meetings
- Sunday, April 21 Sunrise Easter event at Judy’s
- May Branch meeting (canceled): do it in June or move to the fall.
- Branch meeting, June 15, 2-5 PM at the Mays home: Future of the Ecoheal Center or other building for the Branch, with a facilitator
Upcoming Events
- Allen’s requests for Sponsorship for his class and for classes in general: our current sponsorship policy is for events only.
- TO DO: Kelly to respond to Allen: we are not ready to sponsor classes. We could possibly sponsor a workshop in the fall.
- Room Rentals (Kelly and Kathleen): Defer: Kathleen is still looking.
Board Officers for 2019: Motion: to elect Kathleen as President, Robert as Vice President, Kelly as Treasurer. Approved.
Event schedule for next year (Kelly): Defer to Michaelmas
Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, June 4, 2:00-4:00 PM at the Mays home
Closing Verse.