Dear Members & Friends,
These are the minutes of the 2015 AGM, corrected as of June 2, 2015. Also note there are five individual reports, pdf files. The links to these are at the bottom of this post.
Minutes of Annual General Meeting – May 16, 2015
Outgoing board members present: Will Hicks, Joanna Carey, Allen Barenholtz, Jon Lyerly.
Meeting officiated by Will Hicks.
Agenda was passed out at the door and dues were taken. Members were given Numbered Ballots for voting.
Candle Lit – Opening Verse; The Motto of the Social Ethic by Rudolf Steiner
Lyre played by Suzanne Mays- Tristamento by Ester Schwedeler
Brief introduction of all branch members present (names).
(Please note: The outgoing secretary did not record these minutes and, when Will Hicks noticed this, he asked Diana Haynes to do so. Diana jumped in as best she could but the questions and comments during the first part are paraphrased and are not intended to be taken as exact or perfect expressions of the speakers words. Diana has done her best to try to accurately represent a fair facsimile of the intent of what was spoken without inserting interpretations of tone or expression.)
Welcome and brief introduction to the AGM by Will Hicks
Questions raised from the floor
Margaret Heath asked when would be the appropriate time to introduce a short discussion and propose a motion to the members gathered – a motion supported by several members and friends who chose not to attend the AGM as a result of unresolved concerns about actions taken in the weeks before the AGM. She stated that she had spoken to a previous President (Peg Carmody), who confirmed that such a request was valid at an AGM.
Will responded that the agenda and purpose of the AGM requires that we hold elections for the board of directors. Therefore lengthy conversations of the type implied are not appropriate for this meeting venue but should be addressed in a branch meeting. He assured Margaret that this would be scheduled.
Jenny Bingham brought a question as to whether we could dispense with the formal requirements of bylaws and simply meet as people, She stated that bylaws don’t govern how we relate to one another – that we should not put ‘categories’ on how we meet as human beings.
Joy Kwapien spoke up to share that she didn’t change clothes to do different tasks and why should we put on formal clothes (paraphrased) to have this discussion. She seemed to support the idea that this time was ours to use as we liked, working on whatever issues were most pertinent for the well being of our community.
Suzanne Mays spoke up reminding us that our community decided it wanted to build a branch home for our anthroposophical endeavors. To fulfill that purpose, it required a legal corporation to be created to give us the necessary legal and financial framework. This corporation allows donations to our building fund (and other funds) to be tax deductible. She was emphatic that it was a socially responsible act to follow the bylaws governing our board and the mandate of our corporation – which require this meeting and the elections.
Will agreed the need to stick to the agenda. Elections had to take place today and our time was limited in this space.
Margaret then referred to the Bylaw that states an AGM only needs to be held “in the first half of each year … to elect directors and for the transaction of such business as may come before the meeting”, so we had until June 30th if we wanted to resolve outstanding issues first.
Another person spoke saying that our (spiritual) Being has to permeate the legal duties and responsibilities of the economic sphere. Joanna Carey mentioned she had been in London recently where the AGM had taken place over 3 days with lots of cultural activities and it could be a very rich experience.
Will Hicks again answered the questioners by assuring them that he would make sure that a branch meeting would be organized to discuss the ideas or dissatisfaction with the way our branch is currently organized and any other concerns members may have. He then gave the floor to Robin Haynes as acting treasurer for his report.
Treasurers Report
given by Robin Haynes – see pdf file attached.
Acknowledgement of those who have crossed the threshold in the past year:
Renate Wend, Bill Olive, Jean Young.
First Class Report of Rudolf Steiner Branch
given by Suzanne Mays – see pdf file attached.
Emerson Waldorf School Report
by Viorica Comaniciu, read by Joanna Carey – see pdf file attached.
Christian Community of Chapel Hill – Durham Report:
given by Diana Haynes – see pdf file attached.
Cultural Group Report:
given by Joanna Carey – see pdf file attached.
Report on Study Groups:
Rose Cross Study Group held in the home of Judy Frey is beginning a new book, “Genesis” by Rudolf Steiner. People were invited to join at this time. For more information contact Judy Frey.
The Threshold Group held in Jenny Bingham’s home on the 2nd Monday of each month and has been reading “Honoring Life”. For more information, contact Jenny Bingham.
The Reading to the Dead Group held in Joanna Carey’s home every other Thursday evening from 7-9 pm is on-going. New members are encouraged to join at any time. For more information contact Joanna Carey.
The Christian Community Study Group has been meeting weekly in the home of Shannon O’Conner to study the Reappearance of the Christ in the Etheric” by Rudolf Steiner. The last meeting prior to the summer will be May 31, 2015. For more information contact Shannon O’Conner.
Jon Lyerly has been holding a monthly study on Bio Dynamic Gardening which has evolved from a study group into more of a club for anyone interested in having hands on experience of BD gardening. Next meeting will be announced in June.
Foundation Studies Group headed by Margaret Heath has 14 students who are progressing through the basic Steiner books and the studies associated with providing a foundation in Anthroposophical thought. They’re doing very well.
Anthroposophical Medical Work: Joy Kwapien shared that there is an Anthroposophically trained doctor who lives in SC who is willing to come up to NC to treat patients. The doctor’s name is Renee Meyer and anyone interested in arranging a consultation with her should contact Joy Kwapien.
The Election of the Board of Directors:
Will announced that it was time to hold elections for new board. Ballots were collected and then there was a break during which snacks were provided while the ballots were counted. Suzanne Mays and Edward Schuldt were in charge of the tally
Edward made the announcement of the persons who had been elected. With 26 ballots cast, it was necessary to receive 14 votes to be elected.
The following people were elected to serve:
Robert Mays
Judy Frey
Robin Haynes
Ron Evans
Kathleen Wright
Will Hicks
Diana Haynes
Tatiana Zybin
Will asked to get a show of hands for a potential date for the next branch meeting that would be open to pursue the discussion which was not able to be fully voiced at this meeting. By a show of hands it seems that June 27th was the best date. 2-4pm at the Brown Wing, pending other information.
Closing Verse was read and the AGM was concluded.
Individual Reports