Minutes for the RSB-NC Board Meeting January 18, 2025
Attendance: Allen, Viorica, Annie, Robert (Kelly absent)
Opening verse
Board Study: We discussed reading the Threefold Social Order (https://rudolfsteinerweb.com/Threefold_Social_Order.php) and decided to read it on our own, then discuss the entire lecture at our next meeting. A suggestion for the next reading was At the Gates of Spiritual Science, chapter 1 https://rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA095/English/RSPAP1986/19060822p01.html.
Motion to Approve the Minutes of December 7th meeting: passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s report: (Robert)
- 2024 financial results – Income and Expenses: (attached report, link).
- Dues from 38 members: $1,095.
- Event registrations: $3,186.
- Interest on CDs and Money Market accounts: $1,814.
- General operations expenses: Liability insurance, Room rental, PO Box, Bank charges, Website and website software: $1,317.
- Event expenses: Festival of the Unborn & Lynn Jericho presentation: $270. Finding Healing conference: $3,190.
- Net operating revenue: $1,198. (mostly from interest on savings).
- 2024 financial results – Financial Position: (attached report, link).
- Checking account: $1,140.
- Savings: Unrestricted funds $2,933. Restricted funds: $43,455.
- No liabilities. Net revenue: $1,198.
New business:
- Annual Meeting: we need to set the date and send out a notice of the date and call for (1) time to renew annual membership, (2) any topics for discussion, and (3) any nominations for Board members to join the Board. We will need to meet one more time before the Annual Meeting.
- Motion to set the time of the time of the Annual General Meeting to Saturday, March 22, 3-5 PM: pass unanimously.
- TO DO: Robert to send out notice of Annual General Meeting plus other notices
- Request from Rev. Daniil Kalinov: to meet with the RSB-NC Board to discuss the relationship between the local Christian Community and the Branch (Branch home, mutual cooperation, calendar scheduling). Some time in February, by Zoom would be OK.
- TO DO: Robert to arrange a Zoom discussion with Daniil and Claire.
Upcoming community events (discussion):
- Festival of the Unborn: On Saturday, February 1st at 3:00 PM in the Friends Meeting building in Durham.
- We are being asked as sponsors to cover the part of rent and honorariums to performers (Christina, RongRong Ji, pianist). A donation basket could be set out.
- Motion to approve the cost of sponsorship of the festival: up to $355 ($75 for ½ of rent plus eurythmy and speech artist performances): approved unanimously.
- Elena Karoulina’s proposal: Jen Zimberg is a singer, composer, choral leader and educator and will be visiting the EWS HS tentatively on March 28. I told Elena that the Branch will sponsor the public performance of Songs of Joan of Arc up to $400 and will collect the event fees to offset the costs. The EWS will cover the other costs of her visit. Elena will be in touch with details as they develop.
Other business
- Possibility of accepting and managing Judy Frey’s and our branch’s anthroposophical library (deferred).
Report on the status of Branch activities:
- Study groups: Threshold Group on hiatus. Study starting via Christian Community.
- EWS 40th year Anniversary this year: a new Pedagogical Director to be chosen.
- Christian Community: services are now every Sunday and Thursday mornings.
- Other Waldorf initiatives.
Set date for next Board meeting: Saturday, March 8th 12-2 on Zoom to prepare for the Annual Meeting.
Closing verse, adjourn