Minutes for RSB Board Meeting September 24, 2022
Present: Robert Mays, Kathleen Wright, Kelly DiPietro.
Opening verse
Approve minutes of June 11, 2022 meeting: Kathleen moves to approve. Kelly seconds. Approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report (Robert): Robert and Kelly continue to explore better rates for savings accounts.
Festivals and Events (Kathleen):
- Review of 100th Anniversary of the Christian Community: Twelve people attended the event at Diana and Robin’s home. Diana gave a short talk on the founding of the Christian Community and about the life of Friedrich Rittlemeyer. After a refreshment break, Kathleen spoke about the beginning years of the Christian Community here, from the time of Rev. Dancey’s first visit in 1993 until the opening of the Seminary in Chicago which our Community helped instigate.
- Review of St. John’s: The Mystery Drama Study group presented a scene from the Portal of Initiation in the Eurythmy Room on Friday, June 24 at 5:15 PM. About 15 people attended. It was obvious a lot of work had gone into the production and everyone asked that the Players continue their work.
- Review of Speech Event: Carolyn Rich, a former teacher at EWS who recently graduated from the Goetheanum Speech Training did a Speech performance for us. It was well attended and the audience was very enthused about her performance. This was especially impressive since she had offered to give us the program less than a week before the event!
- Michaelmas Plans: There will be two offerings: one on the day of Michaelmas at the home of the Binghams. It will include a dramatic reading of Goethe’s Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily, as well as singing. The second celebration will be on Oct. 1 at the home of Lynn Jericho. It will feature lyre playing by Suzanne Mays, a talk by Kathleen and a Conversation led by Lynn.
- Future Festivals Policy (Discussion): Kathleen had sent out an email on the list-serve, asking if anyone was interested in planning Festivals this year. Jenny Bingham responded and indicated she would like to have a leadership role. Nine people came to the gathering she organized, including Kathleen. Two events were planned for Michaelmas. So far no word about All Soul’s observance, but Eve has indicated an interest in helping plan it.
- Branch Meeting? Lynn Jericho has offered to do a talk and discussion based on her online course “63 and Beyond” which talks about aging and preparing for Death. Discuss: Shall we accept and what date would work? Suggested dates: October 28 or 29.
To Do’s from last meeting:
- Done (Robert): Send $200.00 to Melody’s Go Fund Me appeal.
- Done (Kathleen): Set Calendar Dates for Events, Festivals, Branch meetings.
- To Do (Robert): Robert will write a proposal and share it with the other board members regarding the money for a dedicated space building fund use. The Christian Community requests a written proposal regarding the proposed joint venture to purchase property for a Church/Branch home. (See letter from the Carrying Group). We will discuss by email and Robert will send out an email with finalized proposal.
New Business
- Add person to the Board?
- To Do (Kathleen): Kathleen will invite Kathleen Stone Michael, perhaps to attend next Board meeting.
- Next Branch Meeting: Kathleen to arrange a time for next Branch meeting.
Reports from initiatives and daughter movements in the area:
- EWS: There will be a presentation by founding members to the school families. Enrollment at 279 students, highest it’s ever been.
- Christian Community: Upcoming priest visits are: October 21-23, during which Helen Moorefield and Peter Wiesner will be getting married. November 11-13, December 2-4. There will be a Holy Nights Retreat with Craig Wiggins December 29-January 1. Kathleen will be giving two talks about the burning of the Goetheanum during two of the afternoons. Robert will help with the showing of the video.
- Waldorf initiatives around the Triangle area continue to grow.
- Study Groups:
- Reading for the Dead – Eve Olive is hosting this group at her home on the second and fourth Tuesday afternoons of the month.
- Biodynamic Group – Continues to meet and stir and spray.
Next Board Meeting: December 10th, 2-4 PM at the Mays home.
Closing Verse