Minutes for RSB Board Meeting May 22, 2021
Present: Robert Mays, Viorica Comaniciu, Kathleen Wright, Kelly DiPietro
Verse, opening.
Recording Secretary: Kelly DiPietro
Approve minutes: MOTION to approve Minutes from March 28th. Approved Unanimous
Treasurer’s Report (Robert): Kelly Calegar has turned over access of her QuickBooks to Robert and accounting books were moved to online format of QuickBooks. Report on membership: there are now 27 members signed up for 2021.
- TO DO (Robert): Provide a current list of Branch members to the Board.
- MOTION by Robert to change the bank signatories to Robert Mays and Kathleen Wright. Approved unanimously
- TO DO (Robert & Kathleen): Print up letter for banks to change the signatures and take to both Self-Help and BB&T.
- Katherine Jenkins from Atlanta paid membership dues and made a donation.
- TO DO (Kathleen): Write a thank you note to Katherine Jenkins.
Board Related: Kathleen made copies of the book “Handbook For Groups and Branches” from the Anthroposophical Society in America. Each Board member was given a copy to use until they step down from the board. Board members are to familiarize themselves with the handbook and pass it on to new board members.
- MOTION: by Robert to reimburse Kathleen for the cost of making 4 copies of the Branch Handbook. Seconded. Approved unanimously.
Website Report (Robert): He is still working on updating the two Listservs to our new website. They are currently working on the old website server.
- Tabled: Do we want to continue to have a members Listserv separate from the large Listserv, so non members do not get the minutes of the board meetings?
Festivals and Events (Kathleen):
- MOTION by Kathleen: to send $150.00 to the EcoHeal Center for Whitsun Celebration. Viorica seconds. Approved unanimously.
- TO DO (Robert): Send the check to EcoHeal.
- St. John’s Festival: The Christian Community will host a two-day event. Rev. Matthias Giles and Reverend Emma Heirman will give a talk on St. John on the evening of June 23 at Camp New Hope and the following morning they will do the Act of Consecration. This will be followed by potluck.
- Anthroposophical Society AGM 2021 (Kathleen): Proposal from Hazel Archer Ginsberg. Do we wish to be one of the “host centers” she suggested?
- TO DO (Kathleen): speak with Hazel for clarification.
- Projects and Events for the upcoming year. We chose from the previous list of Speakers and Presenters.
- TO DO (Viorica): Call the Eurythmists in the area to see if they want to do a performance in the fall.
- TO DO (Kathleen): Contact Sandy LaGrega, Andrew Linnell, and Mark Hancock about the possibility of an event with our Branch in the coming year.
Initiatives and daughter movements in the area
- EWS – All is well.
- Christian Community – 8 new priests ordained!
- Biodynamics –
Picture of Board members for the website was retaken.
- TO DO (Robert): Post a new picture on the website.
TO DO (Kelly): Type up minutes and submit to Robert.
Next Board Meeting: June 19 (Saturday, 2 PM–3:30 PM), at the Mays home.
Closing Verse