Minutes for RSB Board Meeting October 30, 2018
Present: Kathleen, Robert, Kelly, Roger.
Verse, opening.
Recording Secretary: In the absence of an official recording secretary, Kelly volunteered to take minutes.
Approve minutes: Motion: Robert moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Roger seconded. Approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Kelly gave an update on the Folsom bequest. Payments have faithfully been $500 per month and should be fully paid in about 6 months. The CD is rolling over in November. We have spent into past year reserves this year already, just FYI.
Planning Group:
- Review of the Branch Michaelmas Celebration: The event was moved to the Calegar home since the power was out at EWS due to hurricane Michael. The feedback was that it was a nice atmosphere, filled with good will, and the content was appropriate and engaging.
- Sponsorship Review: The Board will no longer sponsor community initiatives for the 4 main festivals since the Board Planning Group is hosting these. Events other than the 4 main festivals will be taken into consideration according to the process in place. TO DO: Kelly is to draft a letter for review.
- Branch Christmas celebration will be on one of the Holy Nights – Saturday, December 29th. Details will be worked out in Planning Group sessions.
- Gratitude was expressed for Lisa Stauffer for her help at the festivals and her supportive presence.
All Souls’ Day – November 2 – will take place at Eve Olive’s; Kathleen will talk about a book called Wonders at the Veil that is about staying connected to the Dead.
Advent Sundays – Joanna Carey will be hosting a meeting at the Smiley home to brainstorm ideas about holding Advent this year.
Branch Calendar:
- Kathleen will speak to Edward to set a date for the February Branch Meeting.
- The AGM will be on March 23, 2019.
- Ross Rentea will come March 30th to speak about Rudolf Steiner’s death day. Kathleen will call him soon to finalize.
- May Branch meeting to be scheduled. Kathleen will make the arrangements.
Suggestion from Branch member Leni Covington about a play on the Threefold Social Organism called “War is not Inevitable.”
- TO DO: Kathleen will respond to Leni.
- The board has brought this idea to the community at large and also to Threefold Social order Study Group and no one was willing to help with organizing the event. If Leni or anyone wishes to host this performance, then a request for sponsorship can be submitted to the board.
Traveling Eurythmy World Tour Ensemble – TO DO: Kathleen will contact Lemniscate Arts to see if they are planning to try again in the future.
Scholarship Request from Ben Bingham to attend the Class Holders’ Meeting in Spring Valley in November.
- Motion: Robert moved that the Board allocate a $200 scholarship to Ben Bingham to attend the Class Holder meeting in Spring Valley in November, 2018. Roger seconded. Approved.
Branch Library Discussion:
- Kelly will send the current Good Will Agreement to Roger (again) and he will send it to Judy so she and Doug can review it.
- The issue is that the treasurer has requested that there be a written document that substantiates that we actually have an asset called Branch Library, and that this asset is being held for us via an agreement. Then the asset can be valued and put on our financial statements as property asset.
- TO DO: Roger will set a date to review things with Judy.
Website Update: Robert created a 24-minute training video for Board members to review: How to add an event to the RSB-NC calendar.
FYI: The Christian Community has begun discussion about purchasing a property.
Set Next Meeting Date: Friday, November 30th from 3-5 pm — Note the later time.
Verse, Closing.