Minutes for RSB Board Meeting September 21, 2018
Present: Robert, Roger, Kelly.
Verse, opening.
Approve minutes: Motion: Kelly moved to approve the minutes. Roger seconded. Approved.
Recording Secretary: In the absence of an official recording secretary, Kelly volunteered to take minutes.
Financial Report:
- For decision: Policy for Scholarships and Heart Fund — included in the minutes below: Motion: Robert moved to approve the policy. Roger seconded. Approved.
- Kelly requested a debit card from BB&T so we can set up recurring charges and charge for items rather than issue reimbursement checks: Motion: Roger moved to approve the issuance of a debit card from BB&T. Robert seconded. Approved.
- Discussion: Request by treasurer to set up a new fund for the Board to use to reach out to members and friends, for example who have lost a loved one. It would work like a petty cash fund, so that if the fund had $100 in it, for example, and some was spent, the treasurer would return the balance to $100. TO DO: Kelly will draft a best practice document that lists what kinds of things for which this fund can be used.
Planning Group:
- Motion: Kelly moved that up to $250 be allocated for the Branch Michaelmas celebration on October 13. Roger seconded. Approved.
- Motion: Robert moved that the branch designate up to $250 for the community Michaelmas celebration on September 28 and 29. Roger seconded. Approved.
Branch Meetings:
- TO DO: Kathleen will be asked to set dates for three Branch Meetings to occur in early November, January, and February and identify presenters for each.
Outreach and Events:
- The board will fill out the Questionnaire sent to us for the AGM. TO DO: Kathleen.
- Amaranth Status: TO DO: Kelly will write again to Christina asking for status.
- TO DO: Kathleen will invite Dr. Ross Rentea to come at the End of March to give a talk as part of the AGM.
- TO DO: Kelly will send a card on behalf of the board to Steve Shmania.
Branch Library status: This process of getting the library books on the financial statements is still in progress.
Website Status: Roger and Robert gave a status of their intent to learn how to organize current and post new pictures.
Next Meeting Date: Tuesday, October 30th from 2-4 pm
Verse, Closing.
Anthroposophical Society of North Carolina d/b/a Rudolf Steiner Branch of North Carolina
Policy for Scholarships and Heart Fund
Receiving and Disbursing Funds to Benefit Individuals: Guidelines for Hearts Fund and Scholarship Fund Disbursements
The central task of the Rudolf Steiner Branch of North Carolina is to cultivate and promote Anthroposophy in the North Carolina Triangle Area. Integral to this the personal growth and well-being of members and friends who are active in various anthroposophical activities. To this end, and in accordance with the charitable, educational and literary purposes for which the corporation is exclusively organized within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the lnternal Revenue Code, the Rudolf Steiner Branch will receive and disburse funds to support the education and health of individuals in need.
This policy includes and supersedes the “ASNC Scholarship Grants Policy”.
Purpose: Funds within the Rudolf Steiner Branch to benefit individuals include the Scholarship Fund and the Hearts Fund.
- The Scholarship Fund assists members in training or attending workshops.
- The Hearts Fund helps members and friends in exigent circumstances such as ill health. The Hearts Fund is generally not used to support ongoing living expenses.
A line item for each Fund has been established by the Board. These Funds may be increased by a general appeal sent as part of the dues letter or newsletters or by direct solicitation of specific donors. Fungible monies may also be used for these purposes. Other funds benefiting individuals or initiatives may be set up by the Board.
Gift Acceptance Guidelines: Monetary gifts designated for one or more specific named Funds may be accepted by the Branch. Gifts will not be accepted that are designated for the benefit of a particular person.
Particular Guidelines for the Hearts Fund: Refer to the Heart Fund Application.
Particular Guidelines for the Scholarship Fund: Requests are to be received by a Board member in writing and will be deliberated at the next scheduled Board meeting. The maximum amount of a scholarship is $200. Recipient must have been a member of the Branch for the immediately preceding 6 months.