Minutes for RSB Board Meeting April 20, 2018
Present: Kathleen, Robert, Roger, Kelly.
Verse, opening.
Selected Recording Secretary: Kelly
Approval of Minutes Motion: Kathleen moved to approve the minutes of March 9, 2018. Robert seconded. Approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Members in 2018: 17 (about half last year) Kelly will send out emails encouraging people to renew. Folsom Estate funds were moved from the Income and Expense statement to the Balance Sheet because these funds are not classified as ‘income’. These funds are in the BB&T checking account still, and are shown as a separate line-item and are restricted. There was not a check for April from Chicago. Kelly has yet to call their treasurer, Chuck Ginsberg – she will do so soon to check in with them about their situation and the timeline for repayment.
Review of Mary Stewart Adams Workshop (Kathleen and Robert): After paying all expenses and stipends, the cost to the RSB ASNC was approximately $500. 28 attendees for Friday lecture, less for Saturday, but still a good group. The board plans to have her come again in the Fall 2018. The board also plans to have Ross Rentea come in the Spring of 2019. These plans will be discussed at the upcoming branch meeting / pot luck on May 18 (location TBD).
Planning Group – Kelly will call another meeting to consider a St. John’s Tide celebration to include the Archangel Uriel.
Re-Design of Website Update (Robert): Ann will begin soon, but will not completely redesign the site, but upgrade it to be more user friendly and appealing.
Scholarship Approval Process: This has been on Kelly’s TO DO list for a few months and she will get to it soon.
AGM Review – Kathleen will send out letter asking participants to sign up to present at branch meetings from their life’s work. Shall we send out the reports from the various initiatives? Not covered at this meeting.
Branch Library – Kelly to draft an agreement for housing the Branch library in order to claim it as a branch asset to get it on the ‘books’.
Supporting the Anthroposophical Prison Outreach: A member requested that we deliberate on this.
Motion: Robert moved that the RSB ASNC donate $360 to the Anthroposophical Prison Outreach program. Roger Seconded. Discussion included adding this to the Branch meeting agenda at some point. Approved.
Email Voting – Tabled.
Next RSB-NC Board meeting: Friday, June 1 st from 2-4 pm – Mays home.
Verse, Closing.