Minutes for RSB Board Meeting December 15, 2017
Present: Kathleen, Michael, Robert, Ron. Absent: Roger, Kelly.
Verse, opening.
Robert was selected to serve as recording secretary for the meeting.
Motion to approve minutes of previous meeting: Robert moved to approve minutes of the October 6, 2017 meeting. Ron Seconded. Motion approved.
Treasurer’s Report (Kelly): Detailed report tabled until next meeting. Regarding the Folsom estate, Robert summarized the status from emails that have been received. We have receive one payment from RS Branch in Chicago with the promise of additional monthly payments with interest. However, these have not started yet.
Review of All Souls Observance (Kathleen) All Souls’ Day was observed at Diana Haynes home. Suzanne Mays played the lyre for the event. We had a very good crowd. The room was completely filled. Kathleen gave a talk based on a lecture given by Dennis Klocek about becoming collaborators and co-creators with the Dead. Discussion, verses, and a song were followed by light refreshments.
Review of the Death Faire (Kathleen) Kathleen had a large table with many copies of Being Human and catalogs from Steiner books, as well as a flyer about our local branch. On the table were also brochures form other initiatives of our members that pertain to the Dead such as IANDS (the Mayses), Jenny Bingham’s threshold work and Sandy LaGrega’s Crossings work. Many people visited the table. Far more were interested in the last three organizations than with the Anthroposophical Society. Kathleen had many interesting discussions with people who stopped by the table. Some were strangers. Two were friends of Edward Schuldt; some were parents form EWS. Eve Olive gave a presentation of her poetry at the workshop and a film about home funerals by Sandy LaGrega’s daughter were presented. Although there were no inquiries about our branch (in spite of Kathleen’s mentioning it frequently in her conversations), she felt it was still worthwhile to speak to people about the importance of keeping in touch with the Dead. The cost of the event for us was $30 for the rental space. Kathleen will need reimbursement for this.
- TO DO: Kelly to write a reimbursement check for $30 to Kathleen for the costs of the rental space.
Review of Planning Group Function (Kelly) – Kelly was unable to attend. Kathleen spoke with Joanna Carey who is also part of the planning group. Joanna said that so far nothing has been planned for the Holy Nights, although a letter was sent out a couple of weeks ago asking members to sign up for a Night and offer something they are interested in.. There was virtually no response from the letter. Joanna sent out another letter suggesting that members can do what they want for a presentation. Lisa and Kathleen suggested that the presenter could select a lecture from The Background to the Gospel of St. Mark by Rudolf Steiner. The Advent gatherings have been going well, but attendance is not as large as it was last year. There seems to be a lot of people away this year and some are having health problems. The group has had difficulties meeting due to scheduling conflicts and members of the group being away.
Meet-Up Groups (Kathleen and Robert) – Defer this activity until next year.
Proposal for Speaker for last weekend in April: Mary Stewart Adams (Kathleen) – Mary presented a very well-received workshop in Atlanta two months ago. Kathleen has been corresponding with Mary since then. Mary would love to come here. She suggested either the second or fourth weekend in April. Karen Rivers offered to house Mary. The program would involve a Friday evening lecture and a Saturday workshop. Mary charges $600 per day, plus transportation, room and board. She did say she is negotiable if we feel that is too much for us to afford.
- Motion by Robert, seconded by Michael: to schedule a Friday-Saturday April 6-7 program for a somewhat lesser fee to be negotiated, including transportation. Room and board would be covered by Karen Rivers. Motion approved.
Threefold Social Organism Theater Project – We discussed rather than offer this program in February to April time frame, that it would be better to support their work with a modest donation.
- Motion by Michael, seconded by Ron: to send a $200 donation to this group as seed money to support their work. Motion approved.
- TO DO: Kelly to write a $200 donation check to the Threefold Social Organism Theater.
Branch Meeting (February) – All – For the past few years, Kathleen has been offering a talk on or near Steiner’s birthday about the year that was 100 years ago in the life of Steiner and how its culmination is now. This has been followed by a discussion with the membership about what they would like the community to do in the coming year. The sense of the Board was to continue with this format.
- Motion by Ron, seconded by Michael: to hold the next Branch Meeting 2-4 PM, Sunday February 25. The format will be a presentation by Kathleen as in the past years. Motion approved.
Suggestion to hire Web Designer for our website (Kelly will report on her meeting with web designer); Kelly was unable to attend, so this discussion will be tabled until our next meeting. Kathleen has spoken to Anne Nicholson who has offered to do a web site for us as well. Anne is a pro at Word Press and has created many websites including one for Christina Beck. The advantage to having Anne do it is that she knows Anthroposophy and our community and would likely charge less than a professional not connected with the Branch. It would be good to compare the work of Kelly’s contact and of Anne’s and then decide which we feel would serve our needs better. Anne can only meet evenings or weekends as she works until 6:30 every day.
- TO DO: Kathleen and Kelly should meet Anne and Kelly’s contact to request a proposal.
Discussion about Scholarship process: Kelly would like us to have an online form for the process; Anne Nicholson, who received a scholarship would be glad to now offer a talk about her experience or do a write-up. She can meet on evenings and weekends only due to her work schedule. Shall we invite her to speak with us about this? This discussion can be scheduled for the Branch meeting in February.
Discuss Process of Board members voting online (Kelly) Kelly was unable to attend so this will be TABLED until next time.
AGM 2018 – set the date for it: Note that the terms for Michael, Ron and Kathleen end with this AGM. Ron and Michael stated they did not intend to continue. Kathleen stated she intended to seek re-election.
- Motion by Michael, seconded by Kathleen: to hold the Branch AGM on Saturday, March 24, 2:30-5:00 PM. Motion approved.
Set date for next Board meeting: January 12th 1 PM at the Mayses (tentative — if not, then January 26th). Agenda requests for next meeting:
- Amaranth Eurythmy Theater — we should consider making a donation to support the development of the program.
Verse, Closing at 3:15 PM.