Minutes for RSB Board Meeting May 26, 2017
Present: All present: Roger, Ron, Michael, Kathleen, Robert, Kelly (recording secretary for this meeting)
Verse, opening
Motion to approve minutes of previous meeting (May 5): Motion to approve minutes was made by Roger, second by Robert.
- In discussion, Kelly asked for a correction on two items as follows in red:
Financial and Membership status (Kelly):
Discussed whether to email or phone call those who have not renewed their membership. It was decided that we would send an email first and then do follow up phone calls, which will be divided up amongst the board members. Kelly (not Roger) will compose the letter with suggestions/feedback from Roger (not Kelly) and send them to Robert and Kathleen for final approval.
Preparation for Margaret Shipman visit (June 16-17) (Diana): planning:
*Diana will put Kelly in touch with the treasurer of the Travelling Speaker Program so Kelly can contact them about their expectations are regarding disbursements.
- Motion approved with these changes in red accepted.
Diana’s resignation was accepted by the Board:
- Roger will announce via email the resignation of Diana and also list the current board members and officers.
- Roger will send a separate email calling for a recording secretary for the Board, and ask for those interested to contact Kathleen for an initial conversation and to review qualifications.
- Note: we did not list the qualification for board membership / recording secretary, but in discussion we spoke about asking a nominee to attend three board meetings on a trial basis as recording secretary. One of the requirements was that the nominee be in good standing with the membership and with the current board.
Membership status
- Kelly reported no new membership renewals.
- Robert and Kathleen will review Roger’s email appeal for membership renewal
- Kelly will get a list to Roger of those members who are likely to renew and Roger will contact them and encourage them to renew.
- Kelly will contact those who have already renewed to thank them.
- Kelly will keep the task of adding new members to web site and member listserv; basically manage the membership records.
Amaranth Eurythmy Project status:
- Robert reported that Christina has found another entity to serve as a pass-through for the financial transactions for her project.
- Robert hopes that the branch members will help this project by providing support for the local performance such as fundraising, financial sponsorship, advertising, and handling logistics for preparing for the local performance.
Preparation for Margaret Shipman visit (June 16-17):
- Venue reservations (Brown Room), have been made and the pricing set, programs were written and sent out,
the event was added to Branch calendar. Thanks to Diana!!!
- Expected budget to be $300
- Diana will handle meals and lodging for Margaret
- Kelly, Michael and Kathleen will drop off refreshments Friday by 6
- Roger will help with room set up
- Robert will open the room by 6 Friday or get the key to Kathleen
- Kelly will check people in and receive payments
- Robert will set up a PayPal button on the website
Southeastern Regional Council Announcements: Kathleen reported that David Mansur of Maine was appointed to be the Rep for the General Council for the Eastern Region. And the second annual SE Regional Council will be held in Georgia, Sept 22-24. And there is a Youth Conference this weekend in Atlanta that is encouraging – new young people are attending
Expanding membership:
- Motion: Robert moved that the Board subscribe to Meet-up to set up a study group on a basic anthroposophical book for the general public, including the vetting of two capable leaders. Roger seconded.
- Discussion – targeted to begin Sept 2017
- All in favor – approved.
Branch Meeting review: Kelly asked that there be more preparations for Branch meetings to consider the overall energy of the meeting, and that we work together to enhance our collective skills so that we become a more attractive and inspirational board.
Branch Library: The Branch library is not an asset of the branch. It is the personal property of Judy Frey.
- Roger will speak with Judy to see if she is able to consider the books, or some of them, ours, and in this case there would need to be a written agreement that she is storing our property and the property will need to be inventoried and added to our balance sheet as an asset.
New fund line on the books?
- Roger will contact Joy K and Diana H to ask them what specific ideas they had in mind for the addition of a fundraising line for “cultural & arts”
- Robert will remove two funds from the website: Newsletter and Library. The money will stay in these funds until further board deliberation, but will not be visible on the website.
Next Board meeting: Friday, June 30, 2-4 at the Mays home
Agenda requests for next meeting.
- Kelly requested a draft annual calendar. Kathleen will provide one.
Closing verse