Minutes for RSB Board Meeting May 5, 2017
(with corrections, as approved 5/26/17)
Present: Robert Mays, Kelly Calegar, Roger Schultz, Ron Evans, Kathleen Wright, Diana Haynes. Michael Navascues was absent.
Verse, opening: Kelly recited “The American Verse” by Rudolf Steiner.
Motion made to approve minutes of previous meeting (March 4) and the Annual Meeting (March 25) by D.Haynes and seconded by K. Wright. All in favor – Approved.
Election of officers for 2017-2018: We discussed the tasks related to each position and had general conversation about who was able to do what job. It was expressed that everyone needed to be able to contribute some skill or carry some task. Nominations were made:
- President: Kathleen Wright
- Vice President: Robert Mays
- Recording Secretary: Diana Haynes
- Corresponding Secretary: Roger Schultz
- Treasurer: Kelly Calegar
Motion by Robert to confirm these appointments, Ron seconded the motion and All voted in Favor to elect these new officers.
Financial and Membership status (Kelly): We reviewed the Treasurers report regarding income and expenses through March (or April) and status of membership renewals. Discussed the idea that membership recruitment could be transferred to the duties of the Corresponding Secretary. Kelly will add new members to the listserv as needed.
Discussed whether to email or phone call those who have not renewed their membership. It was decided that we would send an email first and then do follow up phone calls, which will be divided up amongst the Board members. Kelly will compose the letter with suggestions/feedback from Roger and send them to Robert and Kathleen for final approval.
Preparation for Margaret Shipman visit (June 16-17) (Diana): planning:
- Diana will provide meals and lodging for Margaret and her companion who is traveling with her
- Diana will handle making the flyer and Roger will send out notices of the event regularly.
- Reservations have been made for the Brown wing.
- Michael, Kelly and Kathleen will be in charge of refreshments.
- Cost estimated to be around $300.
- Diana will put Kelly in touch with the treasurer of the Traveling Speaker Program so Kelly can contact them about their expectations regarding disbursements.
Member Survey results: Kathleen gave feedback from the survey that was taken. Only 12 people completed the form. There was discussion among the 20 plus people present at the meeting that there is very little interest in a conference or outside speakers of any kind and no desire to be involved in helping with such events. The reasons given were no time, no money… Generally as our community ages we have seen far less participation and more is generally not desired.
Support for the development of the Amaranth Eurythmy-Speech Performance Project (Robert and Kelly): decision.
- Christina Beck and Barbara Voigt are preparing a Eurythmy-Speech tour of the East Coast for 2018 and need to raise donations to underwrite the preparation for the tour and the presentations in various venues.
- Request from Christina that RSB-NC agree to receive tax-deductible donations for the underwriting — decision needed.
We discussed this and voiced some reservations that the amount being requested was so large and the budget was not detailed or specific. We appreciate that a carrying group or committee needs to be formed who will do the work required and only if such work is done and it seems feasible, will we take on being an active participant in managing the funds.
Motion made by Robert that the RSB Board will offer its non-profit status for the management of the funding of this project once 1) Christina has gathered a project team, including a treasurer, which will create a detailed budget, and 2) we have reviewed the project budget. Roger seconded the motion and All voted in favor.
The following items were tabled until our next meeting:
- Expanding membership (Robert): idea of starting “beginners” study groups as Meetups open to the general public.
- Cultural events (Kelly): Discussion and draft policy proposal:
- Discuss the process of deciding which events the Board will sponsor, and the relationship to the Board of those requesting sponsorship. Ie, are they dues paying members?
- Principles: freedom, recognition of streams.
- Issues: major versus smaller versus routine events; meaning of “sponsorship”; funding; procedure.
- Future items for discussion:
- Review previous Branch meetings (Kelly).
- Clarify the status of the Branch library (Kelly).
- Add a cultural & arts fund and consolidate funds in our newsletter and library funds. (Diana)
Next Board Meeting: Friday, May 26, 2-4:30 PM at Diana’s home (later moved to the Mays home).
Closing Verse: “I Bear Within Me Peace”.