Minutes for RSB Board Meeting March 4, 2017
Present: Robert Mays, Kelly Calegar, Judy Frey, Robin Haynes, Ron Evans, Michael Navascues, Kathleen Wright. Diana Haynes was absent.
Verse, opening: Robert recited “The American Verse” by Rudolf Steiner.
Approve minutes of previous meeting – Judy moved to approve minutes of previous meeting- Robin seconded the motion. Motion approved, all in favor.
RSB-NC Bylaw Change Proposals: Discussion about the previous meeting of the members. Robert asked if there were any changes to be made to the proposals. Robin Haynes proposed an addition to the change to Article X Section 1, to add: “by a simple majority vote of the members according to Article V”.
- Kelly moved that we accept all the amendments to the Bylaws that were presented at the Special Meeting for the members, including the addition proposed by Robin Haynes, to add to Article X Section 1 “by a simple majority vote of the members according to Article V”. Judy Frey seconded. The changes passed unanimously — 7 Board members voting in favor, one member was absent.
Robert Mays will post the changes on the RSB-NC website here and the revised Bylaws here.
Preparation for the AGM: The Board discussed the preparations for the upcoming AGM on March 25. The schedule leading up to the AGM:
- 3/9/17 Robert Mays will send out notice of AGM with its Agenda. Including nominees for the board and any topics to be brought up; It will also contain a reminder to renew membership before the meeting.
- 3/25/17 The AGM will be held 2:30-5:00 PM at the EWS High School. Kelly will book a room for us, preferably either the Richards Room or a room in the new wing. Kelly will ask if we need to get a new key for the new wing or will the old key open the new wing as well as the old.
Discussion of the Agenda for the AGM: The Board discussed and adjusted the agenda for the AGM:
- Membership Renewals: Kelly, Robert and Michael will accept membership renewals at the door as people arrive.
- Welcome and Opening Verse: Robert will recite The American Verse.
- Remembrance of community members who have died in the recent past years.
- Acknowledge those in our community who need our prayers.
- Artistic Presentation: Eve Olive will present a poetry recitation. Judy Frey will talk to Eve about the details: how much time Eve needs, what the title of her presentation is, how much space she needs, what is the content and will the Richards Room be a suitable space?
- Circle: A brief check-in with all present: A suggestion was made to ask the members to keep their check–in short, about one or two sentences.
- President’s Address: Robert will give a brief review of the year 2016 in the Branch.
- Financial Report: Kelly will give a brief financial summary for the Branch for 2016.
- Reports from Branch and community initiatives:
- Study Groups: any study group leaders may report on their group
- School of Spiritual Science: Judy Frey
- Planning group: Diana Haynes
- Other cultural endeavors: Joanna Carey, Lynn Jericho, Martha Kelder, Karen Rivers, Kelly Calegar. Diana will speak to Joanna about writing a report for her initiatives.
- Biodynamic Initiatives: Jon Lyerly
- Home Nursery groups: Marie Nordgren
- Christian Community: Diana
- Emerson Waldorf School: Viorica Comaniciu
- Election of Board Members: Kelly will preside. Robert Mays will stand for re-election; Roger Schultz will stand for election. Judy Frey and Robin Haynes will be stepping down.
- Closing Verse and Adjournment
- Refreshments
- Kelly moved to accept the adjusted agenda for the AGM. Robin seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Write up Minutes of Branch Meetings February 26 and March 4: Robert and Kathleen will write up February 26 Branch meeting. Kathleen will write the minutes for the March 4 meeting and the minutes of this meeting, as Secretary Diana Haynes was absent.
Expanding Membership: An idea proposed at the Branch meeting on February 26 that met with considerable approval was the idea of sponsoring “Meetups” for anthroposophical discussion groups or presentations that would be open to the public at large. These could be beginners’ study groups, or topics of interest to searching individuals such as Karma and Reincarnation, near-death experiences, communicating with spiritual beings, and so on. Members might also want to speak on topics out of their own expertise. Marlene Joyce proposed giving a talk on Hans Christian Andersen. Internet “Meetup” groups cost $10 per month. Several members indicated a strong interest in this idea including Kathleen, Kelly, Diana (not present, but had indicated previously that she is pursuing the idea already). More discussion next Board meeting.
Cultural Events Proposal: Kelly shared a form she designed that would allow groups to request sponsorship for their event by the Board. She proposed that 3 Board members could form an ad hoc committee to approve or disapprove the applications for Board sponsorship. Discussion was tabled for next Board meeting.
Next Board Meeting: Friday, May 5, 2-4 PM at the Mayses’ home.
Proposals for Next Board meeting Agenda: Kelly requested we discuss the previous two Branch meetings.
Closing Verse: “I Bear Within Me Peace”.