Minutes for RSB Board Meeting August 26, 2016
Present: Robert, Kelly, Judy, Ron, Diana, Michael. Absent: Robin and Kathleen.
Verse, opening
Approve minutes of previous meeting – Judy moved to approve minutes of previous meeting- Diana seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed.
Financial: Kelly gave a report on recent financial activity, as well as our overall financial position. Discussed the confusion regarding PO Box renewal and suggestions on how to avert a similar confusion in the future. Kelly agreed to submit the Triangle Community Foundation application to be eligible for possible grants.
Board business (Robert)
- Discussed frequency of Board meetings. Decided that we can do monthly status check in’s by email on on-going business and meet every quarter or as needed to review a heart fund request or other urgent matter. Robert will contact us to check in on progress. The Festival workers will continue to meet independently.
- Old Board records and files have been trimmed down to the minimum required by standard record retention principles. Some coffee makers, jugs, linens and other items have been saved and are available to be taken and stored at board members homes if desired. Diana took some tablecloths and paper products.
- Book donations (Judy): Eleven boxes of Mark’s books are currently being stored at Judy’s. We need to see if there is anyone who is willing to take on the task of selling some items that could be sold and donating the remainder to interested community members. Diana has taken some boxes, which will be part of a second lending library for the community.
- Kelly is handling removal of the non-renewing members from our secure listserv and web site roll, those who have not paid dues in the past 2 years. She will send a letter inviting lapsed members to pay their dues. Diana will review the letter.
- Judy has investigated how many of our members are also members of the National Society. We currently have 23 paid local members. There are 11 people who are members of the National Society but not paid up locally. There are 3 who are local members but not National members. Kelly will send an email to those who have lapsed local membership to ask if they would like to pay their dues to support our Branch work.
- Discussed welcoming new listserv subscribers, new members in the area or people planning to move to the area. Kelly has found that most of the people signing onto our website are not real people but spam, so she’s been reluctant to send emails to them. We need to apply a CAPTCHA that will weed out spam emails.
RSB-NC web site
- Kelly and Robin need a block of time to update the donation and membership forms and other site maintenance issues.
Heart Fund requests
- Kelly presented a Heart Fund application form and best practice regarding how we respond to requests. Once we’ve received the request, we will meet and decide whether to approve, disapprove or request more information. In most cases, we will need more information before giving approval. Diana agreed later by email to be the liaison person to communicate additional questions to the applicant.
- No one has volunteered to do a monthly newsletter in place of Kathleen. This is an opportunity for someone in the community to take up if interested. Diana will send the calendar of events monthly.
Preparation for upcoming events
- Planning for upcoming events: Judy, Diana and Kelly have arranged food for upcoming Bastiaan Baan visit, September 7th. Clarified that this is a Branch event even though it will appeal to members of the Christian Community.
- Southeastern Region meeting, September 10 (Kathleen will attend)
- Michaelmas: We meet on Sept 2nd at Judy’s to practice the Kaspar Hauser play.
Next Board meeting
- We discussed meeting once a quarter, rather than monthly. We will try this out and assess how it goes.
- The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, November 18, 2016, 2 – 4 PM
Verse, closing