Minutes for RSB Board Meeting June 17, 2016
Present: Robert Mays, Ron Evans, Robin Haynes, Judy Frey, Kathleen Wright, Kelly Calegar, Diana Haynes and visiting, Michael Navascues.
Verse, opening
Approve minutes of previous meeting – motion made by Judy, seconded by Kathleen, all in favor, motion passed.
Financial (Robert): Report of current Branch finances.
- Transfer of Treasurer duties (finances and membership management will be taken over from today by Kelly).
- Updating signatures on bank accounts. Motion by Diana to add Kelly to the signatures on all accounts, to remove Will Hicks, and keep Robert Mays and Robin Haynes. Motion seconded by Ron, all in favor – approved.
- Date to be agreed upon to meet at the bank to sign new forms.
- Transfer of checks, records and PO Box key to Kelly.
- Discussed Robin will give a receipt to Kelly for the hosting of our website which he has been paying as a donation. This should be recorded as a donation and debited as an expense.
- Noted the goal to have all Board members donate to the Branch above and beyond the regular annual dues.
Membership (Robert, Robin, Kelly):
- Discussed removal of non-dues paying members from our members only listserv & web site roll.
- Kelly will take ownership of the many requests for updating the listserv and managing the members list.
Board development (all) Michael Navascues will visit for 2 board meetings and then we will discuss whether it is a good fit for him to join the board.
Issues with the RSB-NC web site (Robert, Robin, Kelly):
- Discussed need to update software (6 plugins, including Events Calendar PRO)
- Robin will give Kelly and Robert admin access to the Branch’s WordPress web site.
Heart Fund requests (Diana): Discussed several various needs in the community and Diana and Robin will gather more information to report back at next board meeting.
Newsletter (all):
- As Kathleen can no longer do a monthly newsletter, we discussed alternative ideas of sending out articles of interest periodically.
- To be discussed further at next meeting.
Preparation for upcoming events (Diana, Kathleen, Judy):
- Johnstide is being handled by Joy and Diana will send out reminders of date and time.
- Bastiaan Baan will be giving a talk in August or Sept.
- Plans are in the works for Michaelmas.
- Discussed the Julian Roberts event which will be an outreach program and what is required to have a successful outcome. In conclusion, we decided not to crowd September with 3 events and to postpone the outreach talk until we can mobilize more effectively.
- Planning group meeting scheduled for Monday June 20th. 7-9 pm at Eve’s home.
Outreach and membership (Robert):
- Discussed how to attract new members and incentives to get former members to join
- Decided this is a larger topic that will need more time at our next meeting.
RSB-NC Bylaws (Ron, Robin): plan for proposed adjustments.
- Ron will get his suggestions to Robin asap, including how many Branch members are not currently members of ASA
- Then we’ll schedule a separate Board meeting to discuss the proposed changes line by line.
Set date for next Board meeting – July 15th, 2016 2-4 pm
Verse, closing