Minutes for RSB Board Meeting March 7, 2016
Present: Robert, Robin, Diana, Ron, Judy, Will. Absent: Kathleen, Tatiana
Opening Verse
Approve minutes of previous meeting – motion to approve made by Judy, seconded by Robin, all in favor.
Financial (Robert): Report of 2015 and current Branch finances — Robert presented a detailed report on our Financial Position and 2015 Income and Expenses. He and Robin will continue to work on getting the PayPal donations and details of membership included. Email notifications for PayPal payments will now be sent also to Robert. Statements for tax deductions will be emailed out. The full financial report will be available at AGM.
Note that our current dues alone do not cover our expenses. General donations by the Board and other members covered the expenses for the year.
Heart Fund request (Diana): status of a member in need discussed and no action will be taken at this time.
Newsletter: Kathleen was not present to discuss where she is with the March newsletter, but her draft has been reviewed and she hopes to complete it within the next few days.
RSB-NC Bylaws (Ron, Robin): more time is needed to review proposed changes. Will resume work on bylaws after the AGM.
Preparation for upcoming events: Diana presented what she is working on for the coming year including events for this spring, summer, fall and next winter. We do not have a budget for most of the speakers or performers, yet we agreed to do the Traveling Speaker, which is free to us. Details to be discussed at the Planning Group meeting 3/8/16.
Response to Edward’s request: Robert will respond to Edward’s request for an opportunity to present his ideas at the AGM.
Outreach and membership (Robert): Current renewals – discussed a proposal to the Society to do a deal where we will take National dues at the time of taking local dues and help keep our members current with their Society membership. Diana will follow up on this.
Publicity to attract new members – make brochure, schedule more events.
Board membership, Annual General Meeting (all): No new nominations for Board vacancies: Robert will send out another call for nominations and candidates’ biography and statement, including a meeting announcement and call for any additional business to be transacted.
Set date for next Board meeting: April 14, Thursday 3 – 5:30 pm, at the Mays home
Closing verse