From Robert Mays – RSB-NC Board President.
It’s time to renew, reactivate or start up your membership in the Branch!
How do your dues help the Branch? They provide the funds to rent meeting spaces and provide refreshments for festivals, events and Branch meetings, and to meet other costs such as speaker travel and honoraria. Your dues also fund scholarships for members to attend Anthroposophical conferences and report back to the membership what they learned. Finally, your dues provide money for the overhead of providing the various services to the Branch — web site costs, liability insurance, post office box rental, copying, supplies, etc.
Among the benefits of being a member of the Branch, you get access to the members’ listserv and members’ sections of the web site, and you can vote at the Annual General Meeting. In the future, we will also grant discounts to members for selected events.
There are several ways to join or renew your membership:
Join or renew now!